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Status Updates posted by leeW

  1. wecome to the forum matey.

  2. New freehub ordered, just need wheel built, then im all set for sunday :)

  3. Now on way to london to be poked and prodded by doctors, with it was a riding visit not a hospital visit :-( :-(

  4. Good to see you on here m8, should go riding again soon when i have my rear wheel sorted.

  5. wheel sorted, chain sorted, im good to go :)

  6. Cant wait to jump on the echo and ride

  7. pollished silver echo control to come sat :) :)

  8. oh dear, ok m8, im off all day so just gimmy a ring when u got it, or put it on here

  9. yeah if u want to m8, makes it easier that way too

  10. yeah, u sed the other day m8, throught the stays

  11. i ws thinking mayb pick u up at bout 10 so we can get there

  12. ELLO M8, i spoke to tom in a pm and he is gonna get back to me but i thought we could get there for bout 11 to give us more time to ride

  13. not sure, he sed he had the bit but i told him not to worry bout fitting it because i cant ride, now im not doing anything and wanna ride lol

  14. why are u not alowed out ?

    Not sure wether to go out or not because of rain lol

  15. i am abit too, im not doing that training cxorse today now :(

    what u up to l8r ?

  16. oh kl, where bouts u gonna be riding tonight ?

  17. Ello m8, hows u ? Im sorry but im not gonna be riding tommorrow as i found out yesterday i gotta go on a training course, sorry again m8.


  18. u put a post up yet m8 ?

  19. i reackon sat should be a good day, there is bout 8 of us i think

  20. i plan to go down there sometime when my freehub is fixed

  21. ok kl, u will get my vote, put 1 up now for u to get a god start lol

  22. thats ok, plus that way, u can get validation votes from other users to help with ur validation

  23. try putting more post up, that way the moderators will see ur serious bout posting and will hopefully validate u

    just make sure u use propper puntuation

  24. how comes ur still a new member ?

  25. oh ok

    still a new member eh ? lol

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