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Posts posted by spindle_portsmouth

  1. (Y)

    No there not, not even close to that. Some top spec bikes don't even go for that second hand.

    I'd say £100- £150 absolutely tops there very basic and not all that good.

    As many people have said a good bike to start on would be an Onza, a second hand T-pro could cost you £150-300 depending on the spec.

    I can guarantee a large number of people on the forum started on a T-pro or an Onza T series bike.

    I did and it was a very nice bike to ride. And they look good also... (Y)


  2. hi all,just thought id say hello as this is my first thread.im a complete novice to bike trials and have started quite late on(28 years old)i just bought an onza comp and i hope to get some advice on how to ride and lighten it.I know nobody into bike trials so im on my own when it comes to riding tips and parts selection and hope to use this site as a good source for information.

    Welcome to the forum, And good luck with the riding hope to see a vid one day.

  3. It is? ooer sorry :) Only 2 of the pics loaded and it looked like a lynxx :)

    nice python mate... i used to have one when i was riding about 2 years ago and it was amazing to ride. Im after another 20" and to start riding agen. I see you only from petersfield and im only in fareham so when i get a bike might have to meet up and go for a ride if your up for...

    spindle (liam)

  4. hi,

    well i have been looking round the forum and the interent and there are so many bikes to chose from.

    As i am new to all of this i dont have a clue what to look for.

    Please could someone give me a list or pointers as to what would be suitable for a first bike.

    I have been looking at quitea few onza bikes but as i say i dont really have a clue what i am looking at.

    I will have a budget of about £250 and i wouldn't mind buying second hand as long as someone was to tell me what to look out for in second hand bikes.

    Thanks in advance

    i started of with a t-pro and that was a very nice bike to ride plus you can pick them up for not alot of money now im sure your find one on ebay for 250 maybe less if lucky. always check for cracks...

    spindle (liam)

  5. hello to all, I used to ride trials before i started to drive about 2 years ago and gave up due to driving and full time working. i have had some nice bikes in the time i was riding like... gu mod, gu stock, zoo python, t-pro. and would say i was a fast learner and not a bad rider. i think it would be a laugh to get back into trials and meet some more peps for them fun days out riding in diffrent places and learn more stuff. will poss see some of you around once i have found another bike ...

    Spindle (liam)

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