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Posts posted by staryarm69

  1. The second part was a serious question as well (though a bit sarcastically written). Apart from you telling us it's harder do you have any data to back up that it is anything other than DOT fluid?

    as i mentioned a few times im not sure and didnt think about the dot part. the lad who is giving me it is a tank mechanic, one day i was bleeding my brake in the sink with water and antifreeze and he asked why i used it, i told him long story short i profer it as it has a harder feel at the lever as in u can feel the pads hitting the rim and lees spongy feel. he then told me how the fluid they use for tank brakes is as free flowing as water but around 20 30% denser has no change by tempreture up to 300 degrees so i thought you cud be worth a go not like its gonna cost anything. but all depends on the dot part as stated im not sure if it is or isnt but it probably will be.

    Dude, stop sulking.

    People are trying to help you not f**k up your brakes with the wrong fluid... Christ i've been cringing my way through this whole thread.

    as iv already stated if its dot fluid which it probably is but im not sure i will not be trying it

    I think jizz would make good brake fluid, the sperm could swim towards or away from the pistons as required for extra power.

    haha think air bubbles my be hard to remove

  2. Right... well that's cleared that up. Except that what you're talking about is compressibility and the majority of fluids which can be used in brakes can be effectively considered as incompressible at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure. Why do you think that tank brake fluid is any different? My guess is that the army just buy DOT fluid in bulk from a supplier with the main difference being that it comes in a khaki 50 litre drum.

    cheers, for the first part anyway. it was just a thought i had that it would be worth trying just like the first person to run water.

    im not sure is its dot or not as iv said already but its vary different to normal fluid as it moves as fast and freely as water as iv already said.

    i think in future i will just try thing for my self as the topic has proved to be hard work but thanks to those have help

  3. sorry, we're not really having a go at you, it's just most of us have been riding a long time and been through countless "what's the best fluid" posts in our time on here so it's hard not to be a little cynical.

    I'm still curious as to what you mean by "harder"? As has been said water and oil are pretty compression-less yet I wouldn't describe them as hard. Finding a stiffer frame/booster setup would make more difference to how stiff the brake feels than the fluid that's in it.

    Personally I find a REALLY stiff setup makes my arm pump worse, a little bit of flex can be a good thing.

    cheers, its awkward to explain as i know what i mean lol, by harder/denser i mean that if u had a can with a air tight plate on the top one with water one with tank fluid the plate on the water cud be pushed down feather then the tank fluid but the tank fluid moves just as fast and freely as water.

    think im going to do some syringe tests when i get it but it all boils down to the dot or not factor

    iv only tried 2 boosters a gu 4 bolt and my current echo. my set up feels pretty amazing and best iv ever used and a everyone thats tried it agrees but im not saying there not better ones out there.

  4. i hear whats been said but a harder fluid that moves freely will give the feeling of less flex/sponginess at the lever. i dunno about most riders but the more solid my lever feels the the more i like it. each to there own i was only interested in peoples thoughts and if people have tried other fluids and weather they work.

  5. think this is getting a bit far now lol if its dot il not be trying it i have an old maggy but its better as spares then wracked, aparently the tank fluid is harder then water but moves just as freely so should give the lever a harder more solid feel and be just as fast and easy to pull, but the main thing will be if its dot or not which i didnt think about to start with but im thinkin it will most likly be dot

  6. in my eyes if u dont look to improve things will never get better n a small improvement in fluid is still and improvement.

    thanks for mentioning the mineral and dot part i didn't think of that and not sure which it is but will check when it comes (not paying for it so nowt to loose rely)

    anybody else tried something other then the norm and what was the results like

  7. I'm a heavy rider and use a echo tr rim front and back with trailtec sport hubs front and back and trailtec spokes all round all built by tarty bikes and they are great the rear wheel is super strong never let me down and holds a grind longer then most rims

  8. I'm thinking a experement is in order, sud be no more then 2 weeks and the fluid will be sat here ready to play with, I'm rather looking forward to trying it and seeing how it works and since this is a freebee its defo worth a try

    Thanks for the comments, its always good to get a dicussion goin

    It's hard to remove air bubbles from treacle but does any one know wear I cud get some murcury ?

  9. are you messin or for you actually mean it? :) when you say im right?

    i mean it mate im talking about 100% British military spec tank brake fluid. im thinking if water is so good and i personnely much proffer it to royal blood then could tank fluid be even better

    water is used because it has a lower viscosity making it easier to move.

    i dont know the viscosity of the tank fluid but with it being so hard im thinking it will be like a solid bar in the lines so vary responsive my thought on the draw backs are if the pistons will return at a usable rate

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  10. so heres the thing,

    a lot of riders use water for a magura bleed as its a better feel mostly because its denser (harder) while what about tank brake fluid? this stuff is about 20 to 30% denser then water. and risk of freezing.

    has any body tried tank fluid ?

  11. hi iv got a hope x2 front disc brake and would like a bit more power and hold, its a 160mm rotor the standard one and its had nothing done to it yet. im thinking first steps would be some new pads like the ebc red or superstar Kevlars but im still pretty new to disc so any advice is welcome.

    also does any one make an after market lever blade for the tech lever as the standard one isn't that nice in my opinion

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