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Posts posted by Jord

  1. Tokyo drift. Pfffft.

    East Euro Drift, Fot Win. :P

    I actually liked the drifting. I know its not Trials. But its his own style. Which makes the Riders, Video and Sport etc more Unique than others.

    Good Video And nice riding :D

  2. Cheers Jordan - I'll stick to avoiding landing in the kids padling pool for a bit longer.... couldn't get the dam rear brake to improve. It's nearly to the bar. grr. anyway.

    Try undoing allen keys bolts for the 'boosters' or to me and you. Calipers. push them in a tad. tighten them up and try that.

  3. Where was it held?

    i didn't realise you held these days.

    From my point of view. you could do to put real beginner stuff in. and maybe a decent rider to 'help' us?

    How much is it to ride?

    And when is the next one?

    P.S if your making your own track/layout. and you need pallets/tyres/logs etc. let me know can get them, very cheap/free.

  4. This one:


    Careful what grease you use, Some grease will eat the seals on your pistons.

    GT85 or other silicone lube will be okay, don't get it on your pads though

    You should take a riding bag out with some tools in, The amount of times I've carried my bike home because something's bust that I don't have a simple tool to fix it with, and I can't ride it or wheel it home... (N)

    Good vid. Thanks :D will set them up proper tomorrow.

    Will that AutoSmart Lubrice (Spray grease with PTFE) be ok?

  5. Sounds like you have a lazy piston, or a badly bled brake, Both pads should move the same amount at the same speed at the same time, Or there abouts.

    ---Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks. Will 'borrow' some Spray grease tomorrow from work and have a look. :)

    As for your trackside fix, you might just end up ruining your brakes doing things like that, follow the video and set them up properly, Only takes 5 minutes and will make a world of difference in reducing slipping :)

    ---Which video?

    And i know. But i was out riding. and i had no tools. And i was like 45 mins away from home in the car :/

  6. I have the standard setup. As far as im aware.

    Its proper weird. On the front.

    Its got adjusters. But the left pad (Which doesn't move as much as the other) but is dead close to the wheel. Where as the Right pad is like 5-6mm away. But if i adjust it. The left one grips :S


    I didn't attack them. I did a trackside fix. :P

    The Caliper wasnt landing flush. So i moved it round with the bar.

    Then i pulled the lever in. Moving the pad out. Then put a little bit of wood between the pad backing and caliper. Pushing the pad out enough.

  7. Hey Guys.

    I have only had about 7 hours ride time on my bike. So can't do much it terms of tricks. But i don't feel my brakes help. As im not the lightest of riders. And they just don't seem to have the bite i feel they should.

    I had a quick ride on my mates Onza Blade and the brakes are instant, immense stopping power from the touch.

    We have both got the standard brake set ups. So he has disc up front and rim at rear. i have rim front and rear.

    Ive had a little play with them. Macskill stylee. With a bit of wood. And a piece of metal bar. :D Got them to Bite better for a while. Then they fade off.

    The Pads seem to have a lot of life in them. But another mate reckons i need to buy some of these Pads

    Is there any Tricks or Hints. That i can do? To get the best out of my pads before i buy some better ones?

    Thanks Jord :D.

  8. _______********-*__*-********_______!!!!!!!!!!!!CANCLED!!!!!!!!!!!!_______********-*__*-********_______

    Me and a couple of mates are thinking of riding (EDIT---) BLACKPOOL.

    On This Sunday coming. 04.07.10

    Never setup a ride before. So should we say, Meet outside (EDIT---) MAIN TRAIN STATION at 11?

    If thats to early for you, i can give you my number and you can give us a ring to catch us up. :)

    Everyone is welcome. I'am a 'noob' rider. Only had about 5 hours ride time. So don't feel you have to be a pro. ********-*__*-********

    P.S - If someone has a Decent Spec camera. Feel free to bring it and i will take some pictures.

    Let me know who's coming. So i can 'fine tune' the details etc. :D


    (I know that maybe all abit OTT :P)

  9. Hi guys.

    Now ive got my bike sorted. (Thanks to Tarty :))

    I want to go ride with someone.

    Im thinking Preston docks. Then possibly head into town?

    I am by no means a 'ok' rider. Since ive only had about 3 hours riding time.

    but would like to meet other rider to pick up on hints and tips etc.

    And im more then happy to ditch the bike and take some pictures. If you want to bring a camera.


  10. I would vote.

    Jord, he said something nice AND validated you and you make fun of him, you're just low <_<

    Also i wish there was a de-validate button, this guy would be below pre-members for that, he'd probably get so many de-validation votes, he would get banned :lol: , and +1 Borat (Y)

    I think you... Need to Calm the Funk down!

    I was having a laugh. You Upset about my Sig?

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