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eoghan c

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Posts posted by eoghan c

  1. Depends on if u want to become a female in one easy lesson ha ha ha

    haha that sounds fun to me jack you gona try bully justin not a good idear haha after some the shit we used to get up to at college lol but justin dude i think we should give jack the bumps on the train haha (Y):lol:

    im not little im a big boi :giggle::giggle:

    not what your mother told me ryan :lol: haha >_< you lot stop bitching end of

  2. yea i now but ill give it back to him haha.

    theres is going to be 8/9of use plus you and jake should be a gd laugh

    haha you know what he will say ryan dnt you he will just hope you dent your frame like always lol nd it always gets you pissed off haha ooo there gona be 8-9 of us heyyy gona be a good day then i say (Y)

  3. Just as well too!

    I should defend the Trialtech bb, but to be honest, I don't need to.

    to true get over it !!! just thought i would put something to the post thats happend to me never know could happen else where ?? i will not bother next time !!

  4. That's the only 1 of those BBs I've heard having any sort of manufacturing defect like that on it, so I wouldn't say it was one to 'watch out for' as such.

    but still could happen at any time again as you never know !!!!

    :o Do you know what punctuation is?

    were not in an english exam you know (Y)

  5. i got to say this is an ausome bb as i got one because my fsa platinum wer to short for what i whanted as i chaned frame nd then wer running a bash ring but then i came across a problim when i fited the trialtech bb on the drive side when usein the spacer it locked the whole bb up i had sent it back to tarty bikes it come down to it where the bearin should of been on show for the spacer to run against on the drive side had not been machined right so the bb locked up when you tightened the crank arm up its just something your gona have to look out for when you purchace this bb but meany thanks to tarty bike crew sorted it out for me

    thanks guys (Y)

  6. i agree with this chap defo echos there strong nd well easy to ride on iv got a few lads i know that ride them there a realy good frame to get realy good iv been ridein like years nd its what iv seen over the years lol

    thats defo spot on to what you say iv been ridein on nd off for a number of years now nd its what iv seen like when i used to ride with stu nd margie stu had an echo frame nd it had a crack in the frame nd he wer still rideing it like i say there well strong even still after being cracked haha :lol:

  7. The new echos look spot on mate. Perfect for beginners all the way up to the pro's!

    i agree with this chap defo echos there strong nd well easy to ride on iv got a few lads i know that ride them there a realy good frame to get realy good iv been ridein like years nd its what iv seen over the years lol

  8. hello everyone iv just joined i used to ride in lowestoft menay years a go i just pulled my bike out again nd whant to up grade it as one of my mates said i should come rideing again =)

    so im lookin for another mod frame thats quite up to date if any one could help i would reali appreciate it

    oh nd if any one knows if theres any trials riders in lowestoft that still ride around the town ?? where do you all still ride / meet up ??

    meany thanks eoghan hope some1 can help me ??

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