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biker boy!

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Posts posted by biker boy!

  1. Definatly bearings buggered dude, if they are not listed as a spare part anywhere you can gat replacements easy enough from bearing suppliers in a couple of days. On the side of the sealed bearings there is a plastic ring with some numbers on, just read them out to a bearing company near you and they can sort you out ;)

  2. sorry mate, only just seen this reply, so a bit late now.

    what sort of level are you guys at? im fairly novice at the mo, until i get back into it/grow some balls again

    Hello mate, im from canterbury too and one of the people Frank rides with. I ride red route (Expert) in comps and frank rides blue route (Intermediate) We ride a as much as possible in as many different places as possible. Frank likes riding natural mainly where as im not fussed.

    What do you mainly ride? and when are you free to ride normally?


  3. If you do it enough you'll start getting that body back too - although at 27 you'll probably wanna supplement that with some running or gym work too. That's assuming you even want to get a body back :)

    Ha! thats not so true... i had the same thing last year, i was out for ages and got a touch on the tubby side! i hate the gym and have only ridden trials and now im like an adonis! (kind of lol) stick at it, it takes a while but its defo worth it dude :)

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