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Posts posted by KH3M

  1. Hi, My names Andrew. I've been riding trials for about 1 year. I currently ride a neon bow (mod) With Echo urban forks, Trialtech rims and magura rim brakes front and rear. I also have an onza T-rex. I like moutain bikes, fast cars and getting outdoors.

    Hey Andrew, welcome to the forum - There is an 'Introduce Yourself' thread for new members to, well.. Introduce yourselves.

  2. Yeah i was looking at the Onza bird and rip on tarty bikes, they look decent to be honest, very tempted to get myself one, but just need too know they are a decent bike before i spend my cash ;D

    Just thought I'd give you a heads up, don't get the Rip. They come with a 20" back wheel - opposed to the 19" rear wheel of a typical mod bike. Makes everything a little bit more difficult.

  3. got my t bird for £100...not bad but i think it could of been stolen. but i spent loads on mine like £300+

    Fair shout, what parts have you changed on it? The one that I wanted had full maggies, carbon brake booster and stuff - but apparently someone has offered him about £130 for it so i'm kinda annoyed.. Thats what I offered him originally, then pulled out of because I wasnt sure :$

  4. cool, the t birds are light enough i think there something like 13-14 kg standard not sure on that though (dont need the lightest thing for starting out) and easy to flick around etc. most people say once you get better you might need a better frame with different geo etc but i get on with it nicely. here is a little vid of me(rubbish shiz lol)


    Hey mate, watched that video on youtube a little while ago :D You're not bad!

    Hmmm, I'm really racking my brain over this <_< Getting so annoyed! I still don't know what to do :unsure: How much did you're T-Bird cost you?

    Thanks for your help guys (Y)

  5. t birds are indestructible had mine for a year, great fun and can take a bashing! i have converted it to front freewheel (it wont really matter that much if your a newbie) well basically it makes the weight more centred this helps for better spins, more clearance as the sprocket is smaller and helps a little to better responsiveness. but i got on perfectly well how it was but wanted to try it.

    yeah to set up front freewheel you will need to take ur freewheel of the rear hub and replace it with a sproket (for a 20" a 12 tooth) then get some cranks with a screw on thread and put ur freewheel on. simples

    hopes this helps you out!

    ps where about in devon are you from?. im in axminster.

    Hey mate, are the T-Birds light? and compared to newer bikes, what are they like? I'm in a place called Dolton by the way, a secluded little village in the south-west..


  6. I would buy this t-bird and get the tmag frame for it. Then upgrade to a front freewheel, and your all set for trials!

    Since I'm a newbie - Why is it better to have a front freewheel? So what, do you just get a solid freewheel to replace the back one, and then convert the sprocket? :blink:

    I've herd alot about T-mag's snap / crack easily.

    Mmmm, it does look fragile, since the frame has no under support from the front for a few inches..

  7. Not even that!!! It really is a matter of grams! It is absolutely pointless. You are much, much better just upgrading tyres, forks, anything really.

    Post a pic of your bike up here and i bet that at first glance i can save nearly a kilo.


    I rekon you're right, it isnt worth it really - and I think it looks odd anyway :blink:

    And, if the holes are in too close proximation - your going to have some serious weakening.

  8. Hey guys, I asked this same basic thing in NMC when I was premember.. But I really need some further Reassurance! :blink:

    I want to get into trials, badly. And I have been looking on eBay for a bike - I found a nice Onza T-Bird I can get the guy to push the price down a bit, but it's up for £140 it has Front and rear Maggies, drilled rims.. And to be honest, it's a nice bike. I also found a Onza T-Mag frame, with cranks, sprocket and forks for £30 including postage.

    It has a few days left on it, and I have been sat there watching it thinking 'Do I really want that? Can I get a better bike?' I only want a cheap bike incase I don't suit trials, as I'm 16 and this will be my first time.

    So what do you think? I have about £185.. Does anyone possibly have a mod that you've got up for sale that would be good for me?

    Thanks in advance. (Y)

  9. What horrible, hurtful meanies.

    I agree, the forum is about sharing your love for trials and asking various questions about things your unsure with. Not just flaming people who ask the questions!

    Share the love people! :)

  10. how come they sell 20" rear wheels then?

    ive only just got into it so its all so confusing!!

    Really not too sure.. like matey said, the 19" wheel is generally classed as a 20" and that means you can have big fat tyres like the creepy crawlers on them, like a massive rubber cushion so your rim doesnt crack every jump. You'll find most people call mod bikes 20" bikes aswell, I suppose its just rounding it off. The only bike I actually know of that comes with a 20" back wheel is the Onza Rip, which makes it harder for everyone.. Confuses me too.

  11. Hi everyone only been on trials-forum for a short while but i've noticed that there is alot of threads that people (including myself) have posted asking for advice on which bike to buy.

    Just though it would be easier if there was one thread for everyone to ask their questions (about which bike to get), this should save eveyone time and free up space for other theads :)

    Cheers Henry

    Hmmm, this has the potential to be a good idea.


  12. if you are serious about getting into trials i would save up a little bit more money, then wait to be validated and pick up a bike from the forsale section on here. you will get alot more for your money.

    As for getting the names of parts etc visit www.tartybikes.co.uk and look at the different parts and names on there and it will show you a picture and description of what each part is.

    Ok mate, I rekon you are probably right - I'm just being a fussy kid and trying to get into all this way too quickly. :mellow:

    Got straight onto Tartybikes and had a look round, for now it all seems double dutch, but it will come to me...


  13. Hey guys, this is automatically gonna put me in the 'douchebag' category of the forum, so please don't be mean or I will cry. :)

    I've been looking around the forum, and need some sound reassurance about bits on bikes, and their names.. Like, what are all the bits called? Because I'm having things flay past me such as "BB and ISIS" and BB measurements and stuff, and i'm completely baffled :S

    If someone could just tell me the bits of a trials bike, and their trials names? I've worked with bikes since I was a kid, and know them inside-out, but this is all chinese to me.

    And, I'm gonna pick up an Onza T-Bird off of Fleabay - it's got drilled rims, Maggies on both ends, and a carbon brake booster on the back - And matey wants £130 for it (I'm on a tight budget.. got about £210 - after having nout for about a year)

    I wanted to get the bike, buy a cheap Onza frame, like a Bird or a Pro - Just something pretty and light. Now I'm thinking I may need new forks, and cranks, and sprocket.. So do you think I should just wait until I have a bit more wonga? I'm really excited about getting a bike, and I really don't want to buy something - and then regret it..

    Cheers guys :D

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