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Posts posted by jo_jacek

  1. Almost everybody in our Country have front brake on the left side ;)

    I'm going to change the frame, hub and rear breake and it's going to be Saint, for me it has better modulation than hope and even more power if I need ;)



  2. My favourite one from oldies was the Echo xx vid, with the three doors down - changes music, there was a begining in black-white colour ;) i can't find cd's with them.. old times ;) i think it was your video ;> and the second was with the three doors down - kryptonite on echo mod also Echo vid.

    i don't remember the numbers of the videos but i have the songs:

    1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QTLKHlruq8

    2 -

    If you will find them send them here please ;)

  3. thanks ! :)

    I've one guy right here, but he is very very good, sidehop ~130cm etc :P that's why I'm doing sidehop ~107cm even though I have a bike since january. the progress I have made is because of his teaching:D you know, if I can watch somebody who is really good I'm learning really quickly :PDuring holidays (now) we have 2 more guys, one is as good as this friend and one is on my level, maybe better :P

    Poland is a country and Koszalin is a city ;) In Poland we have a lot good riders.

    If you were looking for riders in the area of 200km from Koszalin there will be over 15 riders i think ;)

  4. I'm using them since few months since I've broke echo tr cage pedals and they have really good grip, looks really good. Hm.. I've lost one pin so far but it was after 5 day's after mounting them.. :P really good pedals!

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