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Posts posted by Herrarge

  1. Hey guys,

    I've bought an Onza Zoot 2010 in February and the frame is already broken. I've sent an e-mail to Onza asking for a new frame but they didn't reply. Aren't they supposed to give me a new one because of the guarantee? The bike is half a year old only. What do I have to do to get a new frame without having to buy a new one?

    Thanks :)

  2. This was definitly one of the best videos I've seen in the past few months. Every rider did an excellent job there and the song as well as the editing matched the riding perfectly. Just stunning!

  3. Hey folks,

    since my front rim is broken I want to buy a new one although I don't know which size is the best. I want to have the best balance and a good strength. My back wheel is a 24" one with a size of 32mm. Should I buy a 32mm or a 28mm rim for the front to get the best results?


  4. Hey guys,

    I've got a question about my Onza Zoot once again. As you may know the front wheel of the Zoot is a lot smaller than the back wheel which annoys me somehow. Is it possible to get both wheels have the same size without an decreasement of the bike's handling? I thought about attaching a second back wheel to the front which wouldn't fit well I think. Any ideas?

    Sorry for my annoying questions but I don't have a clue about modifying bikes at all.


  5. I am fairly sure they are anodized on meaning that if you were to remove them you you would likely go through to the raw finish which i guess you don't desire. They are not stickers as such you see.

    To get them off/raw the frame you'd need some caustic soda or some mr muscle oven cleaner.

    Alright thank you! Now I know that it is impossible without damaging the frame. :)

  6. they will all be spinnable, but the front brake cable will stop it from going any further, so how far they spin will depend on your hose length. If you want them to spin freely, you could have no front brake, or run the front hose through the headset/forks.

    Alright, sounds great! :) Thank you guys for helping me so much :)

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