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T'owld T'hop

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Posts posted by T'owld T'hop

  1. Anyone want to play? :P

    That server finding problem seems to be patched :)

    I read on Steam that some admins are using a script on their servers to block anyone using the free version.

    That may be why there was a quick patch.

  2. Go to your docs looking nervous and edgy, ask him for something to help you sleep cause you are being bullied by your boss at work, he will give you a sick note for stress.

    That will cover you for the fact you didnt go in work Monday.

    Then phone their main office, I think this is the number??.....01527 517 601 ask to speak to the HR dept, tell them what has happened and ask about the companies grievance procedure.

    That should get the ball rolling................:)

  3. Haha class... My little one tries to copy me on her bike. We should definitely have a meet somewhere with people on the forum who used to ride in the good old days but are now late 20's plus, wife and kids, crap at trials and constantly in pain!


    It would be the shortest meet ever!!

    30 mins and then I am off for a lie down....... :lol:

  4. Cheers guys.

    Like Trash Zen. Lots of good stuff there.

    My track stands are OK (for a mountain biker!). I am too old to become even a half decent trials rider if for no other reason I don't have enough time to practice. If I can pick up a couple of tricks to make my kids think I am a bit rad then great (they are 5 and 7 but not easily impressed)

    Yeah, I am the same boat, was into trials way back, then met my missus, had kids and have now decided to try to take up where I left off, and failing :)

    The only comment I have had from my 6 and 8 year olds was when I went over the bar and face planted on the lawn.

    "Did you mean to do that daddy?" my little lad pipes up LOL

    Yeah, I fully intended to graze on the grass, and at the same time rip the muscle from my rib cage! :lol:

    Just starting to recover now, I am sure it didnt use to hurt so much when I was younger.............. :D

  5. Hey all,

    Could you help me out with a little research? This has a point, I promise.

    Please respond with the following info. (Please don't reply if you've already given the info on OTN)

    1. Your max sidehop. Either side (whichever is your best side), to wheels. Hopped up a curb once, twisted my ankle.

    2. How long you've been riding 40 years if you count stabilisers

    3. How tall you are 5foot 10ish

    4. Mod/Stock Nah, was never a mod, I was a punk/more fat than stocky

    5. Do you lift weights regularly? (More than 2x/week. It counts if you lift during winter but not during the summer) I dont lift weights regularly, but I regularly wait for lifts.

  6. Hey guys.

    I cant really give you much in the way of advise as I am only just starting out myself really.

    However, about the bikes you have mentioned, read this thread......

    And as the Hitman looks to be the same spec, just a different frame, you may find the same problem.

    I actually do like the spyrogyra to ride(apart from the cracking noise!!), but having never ridden any other trials bikes have nothing to compare it with.

    I am sure here will be plenty of people willing to give you better advice on bike choice though.

  7. ive got the same bike with the same problem will let you know if find and cure the problem....


    Thats a bit annoying, I wasnt expecting great things for a bike at that price range, but I didnt expect to be having problems straight away, that was why I bought new instead of second hand!

    I wonder if it is worth contacting Onza and see if they might know what the problem could be, save us having to start replacing things unnecessarily.

    Not a great advert for Onza is it?!

  8. The motorbike answer is a good point.

    I did consider putting the back brake on the right when I built this bike, but then realised I would end up breaking my neck the next time I rode my other bike, so decided against it!

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