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Posts posted by england145

  1. Hi, I'm Pete in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. I used to be into Trials about 8 years ago, but work took over, then house and family forced the bike out of the garage and to a new home . . . need something to do though and really missed biking and trials so have just bought an Onza T-Bird off eBay, to try and get back into the sport. I have noticed how things have 'changed' in the trials world! 'in my day' it was a 26" and nothing more, now we seem spoilt for choice! Anyway, would be good to find some people to ride with in the Ilkeston and Derby area.

  2. Hi!

    This is my first post as only joined today. I am looking to make a 'comeback' to Trials - I haven't rode for 5-6years and during a tidy out of the garage last year I made the mistake of getting rid of my bike :o(

    I want to pick it back up again on a new bike but am really kinda lacking the confidence to pick it up at the minute - I am 25 and it seems that it is all youngsters who are out riding, which unfortunately makes me feel a bit immature wanting to start it back up again!! I also don't know anyone in the area I live and was never really a 'lone' rider! Is there anyone in the Ilkeston/Derby/Nottingham area that needs a riding partner or is willing to take me under their wing to get me back up to scratch?!?!?

    Any offers would be greatly appreciated - even just to get me out the house from the family one day a week!!!

    Also suggestions for a decent bike would be good with a budget of £350-£450 in mind!

    Look forward to speaking to any of you


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