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Posts posted by mem405

  1. It depends on your bike too.

    Most people with Mods will use discs front and back.

    Most Stock riders use a front disc and a back V-brake or maggie.

    Discs on the front are helpful for just going from point to point. But on the back of the bike they are simply too easy to ruin by hitting against something. wrecking a $5 chain tensioner is something ruining a $60 disc is something else...

  2. Ive had some people who simply hate the idea of bikes being around even.

    Then there are those who made odd remarks or yell stuff, 'Yer seats missing', 'Can you wheelie?', 'do something cool'

    There are those that see you do something and kind of wait to see what your doing. Some even come by and ask about it because they have never seen anyone do stuff like this on a bike.

    Cops are much the same, you get some that are happy to see youngins doing something besides drugs and partying, then you get those that think your on drugs and riding a bike...

    Mixed feedback everywhere. But generally if someone takes the time to see what we do and the complexity of it (Some have even tried out my bike since they say my bike must be rigged). They gain real respect and see we have some talent.

    The other day i was just riding home from work but while trying to take a shortcut i got stuck on top of a rock wall down by the seawall, instead of doubling back, i hucked it. it wasnt nearly impressive or anything probably only 6-8 feet high and four feet out. But a pretty large group of people watched me do this. And as i rode by they all just stared at me like i was the next BMX'ing tony hawk...

  3. I believe what he says that they told him it wouldnt work. Because where i live most bike shops have no idea about these freewheels and never see setups like mine (which is an average trial bike).

    The only reason i even go to my LBS is to order parts, im scared to have them touch my trials bike...

  4. I have just finished a little project on an onza bird 09 and put on new cranks and a front freewheel, and i was wondering why people have them on the front.

    I have it on the front so that when i walk into any bike shop, they always say "woahhh a front freewheel, dont see that often."

  5. In case you didn't realise that video is completely serious and really does help!

    I added 10inchs to my sidehop height just by making a kung fu noise, think about if I did all the other stuff.

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  6. Sounds like you're well on your way to pedal kicks, it took me 2-3 months before I could do them without fail. Keep it up man! Once you get past pedal kicks everything else will seem much easier.

    This better be true, because my shins cant take much more abuse. Nor my pride, ive never been this bad at something on a bike...

  7. Its a dent. get over it. If it works its fine.

    Sometimes they dont work fine though. Considering its his back tire too id be a little worried.

    Of course it all depends on the size and severity of the dent, but if its bad enough it could weaken his wheel to the point of it breaking on a hard landing.

  8. I think the main reason you get chain skipped may be in the tensioner.

    Due to the picture, I found your derailleur was not parallel with gears so that chain got skipper by slanted join, normally you didn't find it, once you kicked pedals, then chain skipped. :unsure:

    Try to tune your derailleur sprocket position or adjust derailleur hanger, or else, rasp the gear somewhere looks like hooking the chain.

    Yeah i think your bang on, the tensioner is actually bent from an earlier crash. so i cant really make it line up right.

    I really dont like having a tensioner (Just another piece to break, it adds weight, and it never looks as clean.)

    The double sprocket thing is actually really useful, i use one gear to get around and one gear to actually ride trials. But im gonna go fixed chain and just delete that. i stopped using it now that i dont really commute with this bike.

    Just ordered myself brand new BB7 Front disc and back V-brake. Got some TNN green pads too. I also got gold braided hoses. Should look pretty sharp.

    Now im on the hunt for some new levers. Reccomendations?

  9. Is that an Echo freehub on the rear?? If it is then that could be the cause of your problem as if I recall correctly they were very hit and miss as to whether they worked or not, did a quick search and came up with this thread which leads me to believe that it is the hub.

    If my eyes are wrong and it is a fixed hub then it'll either be the FFW skipping or not enough chain wrap, either way I'd opt to get that chain tucked up a bit higher into the stay!

    EDIT: Just had another look, might be worth taking your chain off and putting it back on the other way round as it looks like it's upside down. That might be playing a part in it!

    Very nice looking ride you got there also!!

    I flipped the chain around, didn't solve the problem. Still i feel better having fixed that so thank you.

    The my freewheel is on the front actually. its a fixed hub on the rear.

    How can i get the tensioner tucked higher into the chainstay while still getting more chain wrap.

    I think im going to go down to my LBS and see if they can break the chain for me and get it to fit perfectly. I would be so much more happy if i could just delete the darn thing.

  10. Ill flip the chain around, totally missed that. and if my problems dont get sorted ill look for a double wheeled tensioner.

    Out of curiosity why do you need a tensioner? I have a cruiser bike that i made a single speed and i dont have a tensioner on it.

  11. Hey guys, new member here. Been on the forums for a little bit (lurking), just picked up my first real trials bike.

    So I'm from Vancouver, Canada. I grew up riding DH but i want to learn some trials. So after trying on a 26" hardtail, i got frustrated by my lack of progression (it normally doesn't take me long to master something on a bike). And i went out and bought a trials specific 2004 echo pure. (pics below).

    I learned some good things and once i got used to the geometry of the bike i started to progress pretty good.

    My main problem now is the horrible chain skip i have been experiencing. I'm normally pretty mechanically inclined but its pretty hard to understand whats going on when I'm actually riding the bike. During normal riding the bike rides fine but when i give a good kick to the pedals (Wheelie or pedal kick) is when the chain skips. And its starting to become pretty bad (Ive fallen quite a few times due to this).

    With all that said I've seen quite a few other topics about this issue but i actually have a single wheel tensioner and cant quite solve my problem with the other solutions i have seen.

    Here's my bike: (with specific pictures of the tensioner and chain. if you need any more pics feel free to ask.)







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