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Posts posted by Dobbie

  1. This is the full premiere live performance video of Music in Motion at CSM Presents: SoundLand Graduate Show on the 10th of May 2014. All the music in this show was created and manipulated live with the movements of the rider and bike. No external editing or mastering has been used in this production. This is the pure soundscape created by the rider himself, making the music as much part of the sport as the sport is part of the music!

    The edit its self is pretty self explanatory but I will also post the artist statement below just incase anybody wants to look a little deeper into the project. Take a look and I hope you enjoy. It would be great to get some feedback from some fellow trials riders on this project to help towards further developments so comments are welcome.

    Cheers guys

    More Information
    Music In Motion is a live extreme sport entertainment project with a twist. It fuses trials riding with musical performance to deliver a jaw-dropping sound-and-movement spectacle. Rider and musician Alex Dobson uses interactive technology to transform the bike into an instrument, making music with heart stopping stunts, control and precision.
    The worlds of music and sport can meet in new and unexpected ways, and Music In Motion demonstrates music's innate power to enhance our physical and mental abilities: in other words...'music is the sport'.
    For more information on this project please visit the following links:
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  2. Awesome, glad the walkthrough video is getting some use and not just me looking like a dick...and saying obviously a million times ;)

    The tracking patch was based of the KVL patch that was released a while ago but i had to make a good few adaptations for it to work with my project. Yea it is hard to get get jitter to work but you can find a few cheeky ways to get it to do what you want, it just takes bloody ages!

    I was thinking of using sensors in the wheels and actually attaching flex sensors to the brake levers then interlinking the two. Unfortunately it would have taken too long to figure it all out and i was confined by time and assessments :( I have also done tests with free runners and BMX riders and its really cool what different sports can bring to the performance.

    Hahah yea man it is really fun but you know what its like working with Max sometimes it can really drag.

  3. Hey Aener

    No I don't actually have any sensors in the wheels, what you are spotting is the small battery packs that are powering the EL wire that is in the wheel itself. The Xbox Kinect is tracking my movements around the performance area and then Max is using that data to manipulate elements in Ableton Live (Pan, Volume, Overdrive, Reverb ect.. depending on what part of the composition I am in)

  4. Hey guys I thought I would share this with you because as fellow trials riders you might find this interesting. This is my final year project that I have been working on this year...and yes I managed to make it involve trials riding ;) It is attempting to bridge the audiovisual divide between music and sport in live entertainment performance.

    All the music in this edit has been created and manipulated live by the movements of the rider and bike using various emergent technologies. No external editing or mastering has been used in this production. This is the pure soundscape created by the rider himself, using the bike as an instrument and the terrain to create the music.

    If you are interested in how the bike is physically creating the composition then check out the short walkthrough video linked at the end of this edit.(Link only works if you are on a desktop sorry) I will also include on this page the behind the scenes edit from the filming at Southerndown in South West Wales so you can check out some of what when on.

    If you want more information on this project head over to www.musicinmotion.co or follow us on Facebook: Music In Motion

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  5. I have just copied this from the South West Trials Facebook group, it is a local competition and are trying to get more events like this in the area. Would be really good if we could have a big turn out so that the organisers can get more of these events. We have had a few trials here in the past and the natural dartmoor rocks are amazing to play on so please come if you can i highly recommend it... fantastic riding!

    If your interested please comment :)

    Ok people an even has been organised and its time to dust of your bikes and hit dartmoor for a ride. It is a competition as well as a good laugh and will be great to get everyone together and see how much interest we have in the south west for these competitions. If we get a good turn out we could have an actual series on the go, so i ask for all riders to please make a big effort (rain or shine) to show up, have a go and just have a good laugh. It is an open even so anyone with a bike can ride and feel free to bring friends to watch, take pictures or observe.


    £5 Entry (+ another £5 if you doing have an ACU Licence)

    10am start but arrive early for signing on

    The trial will have the following routes:

    White: Novice

    Blue: Intermediate

    Red: Expert

    Yellow: Elite (decided on the day down to how many people want to do it)


    Bottor Rock Farm

    Hennock, Nr Bovey Tracey

    TQ13 9PT

    Sign posted off A38/ A382 Trago Mills round about,

    Helmets must be worn and i know this will be very upsetting to most of you but...No burger van! (This time ;)

    Hope to see you all and lets get riding.

  6. Has anybody else had any problems with the Try-All 108.9 Freewheels?

    I purchased a brand new one the other day, fitted it and was warned that it needed to be bedded in before proper use as it is an oiled freewheel. So i rode around for a few hours just tightening it up and freewheeling (No trials) Went for a ride the next day and within the first couple of hours it started skipping teeth and continued throughout the day!

    My friend had a similar problem with his but didn't bed his in first so i thought this could of been the problem but obviously not?

    I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem or can offer any advise!

  7. Got a friend coming up this weekend and wondering if anyone knows any good trials spots around South Wales, We are thinking of riding porthcawl, Cardiff and port talbot. If anyone knows any good spots or wants to ride give me a shout!

  8. Thanks mate, Do I land the front tyre first then swing the back up ?

    Well its two different techniques really, It looks smarter and smoother if you do two wheels but if your struggling front is just as good and i think you can get a little more hight when learning =D

  9. Have seen a topic on side hopes already but got a quick question to ask as the other topic didn't answer my question.

    I used to side hope to the right while kicking with the right foot. Then changed and went to the left while still kicking with the right pedal. I used to be able to side hope about 6 and back 5 blue pallets when I used to do it the wrong way. Now I can only do 4 pallets doing it to the right way(kicking right going left). When I do this technique I always put my front tyre first and swing my back tyre up. Is that the right thing to do ? or do i want to land on both wheels at the same time ? Its only 4 pallets though ?

    Help would be appreciated :)

    Its completely up to you really but the correct way for you would be left and kicking with your right foot. This helps as you can get closer to the wall and won't clip your pedal!

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