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Posts posted by 24seven

  1. Boon.

    Watched his old nailsea videos so many times when I was just getting into trials. Know pretty much all of them by heart, what songs and what moves. He does a few lines in his first videos that I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't want to do/couldn't do.


    I even downloaded some of the songs :$

  2. petrol is a bit confusing. if you have an empty tank you can get condensation rusting the inside of the tank, if you leave it full the petrol can degrade so you need to drain the tank. after 9 months you should be ok though, our vans been sat with half a tank for a yeah or so and still starts.not too little time though, gotta warm the exaust up otherwise condensation will rot it from the inside out.

    There isnt really any need to run it once a month, it is more likely to do more harm than good.


  3. righto going to be doing a little road trip in july most probably oxford, bristol and porthcawl.

    what we need to get sorted is a place to lay our achy, drunken bodies at night. we should be staying one night in bristol and one night in porthcawl, does anyone know of any cheap hotels that will let us take our bikes inside so were not leaving them in the car?

    thanks for any help!

    There is a Travel Lodge in Bristol that has its own multi story carpark dont remember if it had cameras or not. If they dont let you take the bikes in, then I think they would be fairly safe in the car park and being a Travel Lodge it isnt going to break the bank.

  4. im not sure whether its cutting edge or not but what i do know is that it is quite possiblly one of most fantasticlly welded/put together frame ive ever seen, the workmanship is superb - I think it looks stunning and not a hint of CNCing in sight! TOP JOB! (Y)


    ''2 wheeled machines they call bicycles'' , you mean our bikes? with 2 wheels, cranks, brakes, bars, stem, tyres etc.... just like an erm..... BIKE!!!! ;)

    EDIT - sod the frame, have you seen that abi chick on the homepage? keep you damn titanium, im going for the lady skin everytime!!!! jeeeeez, shes wonderful! :)

    Couldnt agree more.

  5. Well duh, trillian is shit. Use mIRC ( http://www.mirc.com/get.html ).

    Me and Joe from trialsworks tried setting up a channel a year or two back, didn't really go anyway, was lucky to be anymore then us two there.

    But heh, pick from netgamers, quakenet and freenode, and i'll join the channel.

    If you pick quakenet then I will be more likely to come join the fun, as Im already in a channel on there.

  6. Heatsink: I don't think they do voloview anymore, there is a new product that does the same thing, but you have to pay for the full version. (Well you don't have too, but if your using it for company work I would advise it.)

    Grr. Am I right in saying AutoCad is the industry standard package for this kind of thing?

    I would say so.

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