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Connor Johnson

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Posts posted by Connor Johnson

  1. Hey guys,

    So for a newcomer who's riding a 20", I was wondering about the difference between a 20" bike and a 26" bike. I've heard that a 20" is easier to learn on, but a 26" is better to learn on because it makes you learn technique that is necessary later on in trials riding. Is the difference between the bikes really that big of a difference? So should I get a 26" instead of a 20" if money is no issue, or is the difference not that big?



  2. Hey guys, so when I'm trying to bunny hop, I'm not really getting much air. In terms of technique, should i be pushing forward on the handlebars and then back with my feet to pull the rear wheel up, or should i be pushing forward on the handlebars and moving my butt back and take weight off the rear so it wants to come up by itself? lol I'm not sure if that was confusing but any help would be welcome. I'm having trouble following Youtube and other tutorial videos. Thanks.


  3. Hey guys, so I've never even touched a trials bike before; the the riding I do currently is uphill and downhill mountain biking, but I'm really excited to start trials. I was wondering, though, what kind of bike I should get, what's easiest to learn on, do's and don'ts a beginner might not know, etc. I'm a freshman in college so money is pretty tight; I guess I'm just looking for an affordable bike that's good for learning on, then I'll get a nicer one later. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!


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