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Posts posted by skandy32

  1. well im 19, just got home from uni for the summer, and just sorted my hours out till october....

    between 2 and 4days a week, 9 - 5.30, bout £6.50 an hour Working in Jessops (camera shop)

    This is in guernsey, where the pay is higher, and tax (although i dont get taxed) is lower. Doing the same job in the uk whilst i was at uni, well, saturdays only in Portsmouth, i got a shit £5 an hour for the same company! :o

  2. I too have always wanted one. But i know that in a few years, i probly wont be a fan anymore, and its not the sortof thing that would heal and completely disapear. If it did, i'd go for it! I looked into it quite a lot too, and found out once you go past 5/6mm, it wil never close up completely if you take it out.

    I've always wanted some sort of piercing and it was either this or my labret, so i got my labret done :) Knowing that in the future if i dont ever like it, i can take it out, wait a while, and it'll heal up. Might be a teeny weeny dot where it once was, but what the hey, stubble should cover it. Pretty much like the hair cutting/growing idea like someone said above.

    All in all, I dont think i could ever bring to modify my body in a way i cant change later, a big factor for me is what friend and family might think. Maybe you should ask around, see what the general opinion is..... (if you havent fully decided yet?)

    Anyway, im blabbering on, theres this site, its got shed loads of awesome piercings and examples, could always do a bit of photoshoppage to see what suits you too :P


    Andy :turned:

  3. Cheers for the positive replies guys! (Y)

    Very nice pics dude

    You mention there was more??

    Any chance of you sending me the whole lot or something, would be much appriciated.

    The best ride ive been on in a long long long time....

    ummmmmmmm maybe, this is the best selection to be honest. The rest are mainly repititions of the above, only out of focus or blurred or other crappy shots. If your really desperate add me to msn though, and discuss it there... (Y)



  4. Heres a chunk of photos taken by myself, i got alot from the day (about 300 snaps, these are the better / more varied ones), but i didnt photograph everything, as i was riding too :- There was plenty of photographer chaps, so im expecting to see many more snaps.....

    IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image IPB Image

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    Hope you all like

    edit: all clickable thumbnails too :P

    With the group photo, i count 48 people, and i think me and jonny were taking the pic, so totaling ~50 people at the ride.

    RIP DJ :deej::bunny:

  5. yup, contaimination sounds like the problem. I've just fixed my m4s after months of them slowly getting worse.

    In the end, they needed new seals (behind the pistons) (£3.99 a caliper off crc!) because the old ones were slightly worn, and every now and then the smallest amount of brake fluid must have got to the disc / pads! But because they're an open system, the brake lever never felt any different (as they adjust themselves). Then rebleeded them after new seals. Eventually after a couple hours riding pads burn off what contaminated them, so all is good now. Cut a long story short, try new seals...!

    In terms of the sound they make though, a squeeling high pitched squeal, should mean its working fine. Thats when i find mine perform nice and sharp anyway.

    Check out the hope site for any info about replaceing seals etc... but if you've already bled the system before, you sound like you'd be knowing what your doing (Y)

    Hope that helps

    andy :turned:

  6. BBQ sounds like an awesplan!

    in terms of donating a house for a party.....


    I'm in 'Harry law', Prawns in 'Rees halls', so we could just rape 1 / both of them? Theres girls in halls too!

    All the residents should expect being woken up all night long by now, and, its the end of the year, so we'd probably end up bumping into other 'gatherings' and people joining in.

    Ofcourse if we're too much of a disturbance security pop in and say hello and might tell us to move on whatever.... although the last halls party i was with, there was soo many of us, all wrecked, the security couldn't do anything about it! ha ha

    Before any of this is planned though, im not the person who 'created' it! :P you all broke in and made a party he he

    Just an idea....

    Andy :rolleyes:

  7. well, everyone look at me.....

    i study photography, foundation at the mo, so no silly writing stuff!

    I've just completed my coursework today, my course finishes friday, and i have a 5 month summer before my degree starts mid october! (should be able to squeeze in some riding!)

    so there:P

    Loving the high life....

    Andy :D

  8. I've tryed hunting down white bits of bike many a time, but never found white mtb hubs.

    Heres the result of my white bike.

    I'm just showing my bike off :rolleyes: , there is 'some' relevance. If you look at the pics, my front wheel is black hub/white rim, and the rear silver hub/white rim. Just so you can see how it looks :P

    Personally i'd go with Black hub, white rim, either silver or black spokes would be fine. (Y)

    Andy :turned:

  9. well well, this does look like a hell of a lot of fun!

    1st DJ ride for me :)

    My uni course this yr finishes on the 5th of may :P so i have weeks worth of halls accomadation with shitall work to do funness!! I got sam staying with me over the wkend, but i could fit a few more in if anybody needs shelter, failing that, i have plenty of cardboard! We've crammed in 5 bikes with 4 people in my room before!

    Just for this ride, im building up a trials bike, after selling up at xmas :blink: Boy, have i missed trials! Silly me :S Well, its either a trials bike, or street machine anyway....

    I shall also be photographing a shoot load.

    Up for any day riding (or both) and any day partying (or both!)

    See you all soon, cant wait, well excited!!

    Andy :)

  10. How about a nice stereo first?

    Obviously that wouldnt come to the £700 you've got to spend. But it would mean you've got some left to save / fix your car after an accident (quite likely as a first car).

    Personally thats what i'd probably do, in my opinion, a corsa is a nice first car from getting from A to B, but it doesnt NEED alloys. You'll listen to the stereo more than look at the alloys anyway.

    Just my idea :rolleyes:

  11. BUMP this topic back up...... any new users like me?

    mines in my sig :P

    photographer myself, taking everysort of photo i can. But happen to have a nice collection of trials + bmxy shots in my DA gallery (Y)

  12. wow, such a great response chaps, plenty to read into anyway, sometimes even too much :P

    the general opinion is quite simular, and i figured it kinda would be, but needed a bit more detail, which you lot have done very well!! (Y)

    If you're interested in an opinion from abroad I'll try and write something useful.

    Go for it..... it would be iunteresting to see if theres much diffference! ;)

    cheers again - andy

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