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Posts posted by bikeperson451

  1. Sounds about right! I've started editing mine tonight and realised I've only got about 4-5 clips after dismissing some earlier stuff that I filmed in the completely wrong format. If I'm lucky I'll get a chance to redo them this week though I doubt it and I've still got to film my intro and bits :oops:

    EDIT:This is not easy to edit, need to settle down as I usually chuck vids together in half an hour or so and I've got a whole week!

    Download a trial of a file converter? I've gone through a few just because windows movie maker didn't like my camcorder file type.

  2. I don't really understand what you're saying. It IS a competition to encourage creativity in regards to editing, filming and riding, yet your reservations are based on the fact this video is trying to be creative. It has been made specifically for the competition so therefore should be creative.... I'd understand if you said you didn't like the style, or that it was too overpowering and the riding suffered because of it etc, but you say it's an attempt at being creative like that's the wrong approach for GETcreative.

    Also you say it goes out of its way to be creative (instead of being so) - which again it should be, as that's the idea of the comp. Also, in regards to the latter part of that sentence 'instead of being so' - this is the bit that confuses me the most. You don't happen to stumble across creativity, you don't make a video then at the end go 'oh would you look at that - its creative'. To be creative is a conscious choice so it seems paradoxical to criticise a video for being so when it has intentionally been made to be so.

    I'm not suggesting you're not entitled to your opinion, but the grounds on which you've criticised it are flawed. I think it is actually the style and aesthetic you don't like which is perfectly fair but your comments so far are (i assume unintentionally) contradictory. I reckon you don't like it as perhaps you feel the creative visuals have ruled the video over perhaps the story or riding, and even that it might be a cliched approach at the alternative visual or "being creative" but based on what I said about a creative approach being anything but accidental it's not completely fair to say it's not genuine.

    I didn't explain it very well, but to be honest am finding it hard to explain. My reaction's kind of like being in an art museum and you see a painting and even though it's all creative you can still have a gut feeling that it just feels forced in a sense. I'm not saying creativity is accidental but for me this video seems less creative and more so adopting a different style that in my opinion doesn't work for trials videos at least. Sorry if I'm not explaining it well but I don't feel like I'm contradicting myself, just trying to put a gut feeling into words.

    I still respect the video for really bringing up something new, I just feel that it doesn't work as a whole.

  3. The forced creativity I guess just comes from a competition called GETcreative, and I guess that's why this video feels kind of forced to me is because it's attempt at being creative is just to make a flickery video with a lot of different shots. The video just appears to me to go too far out of its way to be creative instead of just genuinely being so.

  4. It's different I'll give it that, but not a video I really found enjoyable. The whole flickering just made it seem messy and I can't appreciate the riding as much because I didn't really feel like I got to see it as well as I could have. Just seemed a bit too Instagram like for me and sort of forced creativity.

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