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Village Idiot

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Posts posted by Village Idiot

  1. so he took 5 grand off someone without them knowing? and now they are watching? if they dont know he took it how did derren know he was watching? also who the fook wouldnt know 5grand went missing?

    What I don't get is how the guy could just walk into the branch and get 5k out there and then? I always thought for that kind of amount you'd have to notify them in advance...

    Unless of course, it's all staged :shifty:

  2. So they take it from your PAYE as part of income tax without you knowing pretty much?

    Dunno if they still do it this way, but when I graduated a couple of years ago they said that they'd start taking repayments off your pay when you reach April in the year after you graduate. Pretty sure they don't actually tell you like just before they're gonna take repayments, but it probably would've been in the stuff when you got the loan. Quite a few people I know should've started paying theirs back but haven't had anything taken off them. It seems a bit hit or miss whether they actually take money off you or not.

  3. You've pretty much sussed it yourself from what you said - the autopopulating was screwing things up. I changed this

    // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best match)
        function autoFill(sValue){
            // if the last user key pressed was backspace, don't autofill
            if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
                // fill in the value (keep the case the user has typed)
                $input.val($input.val() + sValue.substring(prev.length));
                // select the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase)
                createSelection(prev.length, sValue.length);
    // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best match)
        function autoFill(sValue){
            // if the last user key pressed was backspace, don't autofill
            if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
                // select the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase)
                //createSelection(prev.length, sValue.length);
    I should've removed these lines, but was lazy and just commented it out instead ;). What it does is stop the text field from getting automatically populated with the closest match - this was causing problems narrowing down the results when you typed the next character. and this
    function matchSubset(s, sub) {
            if (!options.matchCase) s = s.toLowerCase();
            var i = s.indexOf(sub);
            if (i == -1) return false;
            return i == 0 || options.matchContains;
    function matchSubset(s, sub) {
            if (!options.matchCase) s = s.toLowerCase();
            var i = s.indexOf(sub);
            if (i == -1) return false;
            //return i == 0 || options.matchContains;
            return true;

    This is called everytime you type a 2nd/3rd/4th letter and it narrows down the original list of matches that were shown. Before it was only returning true where i = 0, (i.e. if "ab" was a substring of "aberdeen" but not if "de" was a substring of "aberdeen", as i would be 4 in that case. Now it returns true if there's a match anywhere in the string.

  4. Ok, think I've got it now...

    jQuery.autocomplete = function(input, options) {
        // Create a link to self
        var me = this;
        // Create jQuery object for input element
        var $input = $(input).attr("autocomplete", "off");
        // Apply inputClass if necessary
        if (options.inputClass) $input.addClass(options.inputClass);
        // Create results
        var results = document.createElement("div");
        // Create jQuery object for results
        var $results = $(results);
        $results.hide().addClass(options.resultsClass).css("position", "absolute");
        if( options.width > 0 ) $results.css("width", options.width);
        // Add to body element
        input.autocompleter = me;
        var timeout = null;
        var prev = "";
        var active = -1;
        var cache = {};
        var keyb = false;
        var hasFocus = false;
        var lastKeyPressCode = null;
        // flush cache
        function flushCache(){
            cache = {};
            cache.data = {};
            cache.length = 0;
        // flush cache
        // if there is a data array supplied
        if( options.data != null ){
            var sFirstChar = "", stMatchSets = {}, row = [];
            // no url was specified, we need to adjust the cache length to make sure it fits the local data store
            if( typeof options.url != "string" ) options.cacheLength = 1;
            // loop through the array and create a lookup structure
            for( var i=0; i < options.data.length; i++ ){
                // if row is a string, make an array otherwise just reference the array
                row = ((typeof options.data[i] == "string") ? [options.data[i]] : options.data[i]);
                /*// if the length is zero, don't add to list
                if( row[0].length > 0 ){
                    // get the first character
                    sFirstChar = row[0].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
                    // if no lookup array for this character exists, look it up now
                    if( !stMatchSets[sFirstChar] ) stMatchSets[sFirstChar] = [];
                    // if the match is a string
                // if the length is zero, don't add to list
                if( row[0].length > 0 ){
                    // Go through each character in the data string and index a match
                    var tmpArray = [];
                    for (var j = 1; j <= row[0].length; j++) {
                        // get the next character
                        sNextChar = row[0].substring(j-1, j).toLowerCase();
                        // Check whether this character already exists in the temp array.
                        // If it does, we skip it to ensure the phrase is not added twice 
                        // to the cache
                        var alreadyIndexed = false;
                        for (var k = 0; k < tmpArray.length; k++){
                          if(tmpArray[k] == sNextChar) {
                            alreadyIndexed =  true;
                        // Character has not been skipped so index the match 
                        if (!alreadyIndexed) {
                           // if no lookup array for this character exists, look it up now
                            if( !stMatchSets[sNextChar] ) stMatchSets[sNextChar] = [];
                            // if the match is a string
            // add the data items to the cache
            for( var k in stMatchSets ){
                // increase the cache size
                // add to the cache
                addToCache(k, stMatchSets[k]);
        .keydown(function(e) {
            // track last key pressed
            lastKeyPressCode = e.keyCode;
            switch(e.keyCode) {
                case 38: // up
                case 40: // down
                case 9:  // tab
                case 13: // return
                    if( selectCurrent() ){
                        // make sure to blur off the current field
                    active = -1;
                    if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
                    timeout = setTimeout(function(){onChange();}, options.delay);
            // track whether the field has focus, we shouldn't process any results if the field no longer has focus
            hasFocus = true;
        .blur(function() {
            // track whether the field has focus
            hasFocus = false;
        function onChange() {
            // ignore if the following keys are pressed: [del] [shift] [capslock]
            if( lastKeyPressCode == 46 || (lastKeyPressCode > 8 && lastKeyPressCode < 32) ) return $results.hide();
            var v = $input.val();
            if (v == prev) return;
            prev = v;
            if (v.length >= options.minChars) {
            } else {
         function moveSelect(step) {
            var lis = $("li", results);
            if (!lis) return;
            active += step;
            if (active < 0) {
                active = 0;
            } else if (active >= lis.size()) {
                active = lis.size() - 1;
            // Weird behaviour in IE
            // if (lis[active] && lis[active].scrollIntoView) {
            //     lis[active].scrollIntoView(false);
            // }
        function selectCurrent() {
            var li = $("li.ac_over", results)[0];
            if (!li) {
                var $li = $("li", results);
                if (options.selectOnly) {
                    if ($li.length == 1) li = $li[0];
                } else if (options.selectFirst) {
                    li = $li[0];
            if (li) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        function selectItem(li) {
            if (!li) {
                li = document.createElement("li");
                li.extra = [];
                li.selectValue = "";
            var v = $.trim(li.selectValue ? li.selectValue : li.innerHTML);
            input.lastSelected = v;
            prev = v;
            if (options.onItemSelect) setTimeout(function() { options.onItemSelect(li) }, 1);
        // selects a portion of the input string
        function createSelection(start, end){
            // get a reference to the input element
            var field = $input.get(0);
            if( field.createTextRange ){
                var selRange = field.createTextRange();
                selRange.moveStart("character", start);
                selRange.moveEnd("character", end);
            } else if( field.setSelectionRange ){
                field.setSelectionRange(start, end);
            } else {
                if( field.selectionStart ){
                    field.selectionStart = start;
                    field.selectionEnd = end;
        // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best match)
        function autoFill(sValue){
            // if the last user key pressed was backspace, don't autofill
            if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
                // select the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase)
                //createSelection(prev.length, sValue.length);
        // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best match)
        function autoFill(sValue){
            // if the last user key pressed was backspace, don't autofill
            if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
                // fill in the value (keep the case the user has typed)
                $input.val($input.val() + sValue.substring(prev.length));
                // select the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase)
                createSelection(prev.length, sValue.length);
        function showResults() {
            // get the position of the input field right now (in case the DOM is shifted)
            var pos = findPos(input);
            // either use the specified width, or autocalculate based on form element
            var iWidth = (options.width > 0) ? options.width : $input.width();
            // reposition
                width: parseInt(iWidth) + "px",
                top: (pos.y + input.offsetHeight) + "px",
                left: pos.x + "px"
        function hideResults() {
            if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
            timeout = setTimeout(hideResultsNow, 200);
        function hideResultsNow() {
            if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
            if ($results.is(":visible")) {
            if (options.mustMatch) {
                var v = $input.val();
                if (v != input.lastSelected) {
        function receiveData(q, data) {
            if (data) {
                results.innerHTML = "";
                // if the field no longer has focus or if there are no matches, do not display the drop down
                if( !hasFocus || data.length == 0 ) return hideResultsNow();
                if ($.browser.msie) {
                    // we put a styled iframe behind the calendar so HTML SELECT elements don't show through
                // autofill in the complete box w/the first match as long as the user hasn't entered in more data
                if( options.autoFill && ($input.val().toLowerCase() == q.toLowerCase()) ) autoFill(data[0][0]);
            } else {
        function parseData(data) {
            if (!data) return null;
            var parsed = [];
            var rows = data.split(options.lineSeparator);
            for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                var row = $.trim(rows[i]);
                if (row) {
                    parsed[parsed.length] = row.split(options.cellSeparator);
            return parsed;
        function dataToDom(data) {
            var ul = document.createElement("ul");
            var num = data.length;
            // limited results to a max number
            if( (options.maxItemsToShow > 0) && (options.maxItemsToShow < num) ) num = options.maxItemsToShow;
            for (var i=0; i < num; i++) {
                var row = data[i];
                if (!row) continue;
                var li = document.createElement("li");
                if (options.formatItem) {
                    li.innerHTML = options.formatItem(row, i, num);
                    li.selectValue = row[0];
                } else {
                    li.innerHTML = row[0];
                    li.selectValue = row[0];
                var extra = null;
                if (row.length > 1) {
                    extra = [];
                    for (var j=1; j < row.length; j++) {
                        extra[extra.length] = row[j];
                li.extra = extra;
                    function() { $("li", ul).removeClass("ac_over"); $(this).addClass("ac_over"); active = $("li", ul).indexOf($(this).get(0)); },
                    function() { $(this).removeClass("ac_over"); }
                ).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); selectItem(this) });
            return ul;
        function requestData(q) {
            if (!options.matchCase) q = q.toLowerCase();
            var data = options.cacheLength ? loadFromCache(q) : null;
            // recieve the cached data
            if (data) {
                receiveData(q, data);
            // if an AJAX url has been supplied, try loading the data now
            } else if( (typeof options.url == "string") && (options.url.length > 0) ){
                $.get(makeUrl(q), function(data) {
                    data = parseData(data);
                    addToCache(q, data);
                    receiveData(q, data);
            // if there's been no data found, remove the loading class
            } else {
        function makeUrl(q) {
            var url = options.url + "?q=" + encodeURI(q);
            for (var i in options.extraParams) {
                url += "&" + i + "=" + encodeURI(options.extraParams[i]);
            return url;
        function loadFromCache(q) {
            if (!q) return null;
            if (cache.data[q]) return cache.data[q];
            if (options.matchSubset) {
                for (var i = q.length - 1; i >= options.minChars; i--) {
                    var qs = q.substr(0, i);
                    var c = cache.data[qs];
                    if (c) {
                        var csub = [];
                        for (var j = 0; j < c.length; j++) {
                            var x = c[j];
                            var x0 = x[0];
                            if (matchSubset(x0, q)) {
                                csub[csub.length] = x;
                        return csub;
            return null;
        function matchSubset(s, sub) {
            if (!options.matchCase) s = s.toLowerCase();
            var i = s.indexOf(sub);
            if (i == -1) return false;
            //return i == 0 || options.matchContains;
            return true;
        this.flushCache = function() {
        this.setExtraParams = function(p) {
            options.extraParams = p;
        this.findValue = function(){
            var q = $input.val();
            if (!options.matchCase) q = q.toLowerCase();
            var data = options.cacheLength ? loadFromCache(q) : null;
            if (data) {
                findValueCallback(q, data);
            } else if( (typeof options.url == "string") && (options.url.length > 0) ){
                $.get(makeUrl(q), function(data) {
                    data = parseData(data)
                    addToCache(q, data);
                    findValueCallback(q, data);
            } else {
                // no matches
                findValueCallback(q, null);
        function findValueCallback(q, data){
            if (data) $input.removeClass(options.loadingClass);
            var num = (data) ? data.length : 0;
            var li = null;
            for (var i=0; i < num; i++) {
                var row = data[i];
                if( row[0].toLowerCase() == q.toLowerCase() ){
                    li = document.createElement("li");
                    if (options.formatItem) {
                        li.innerHTML = options.formatItem(row, i, num);
                        li.selectValue = row[0];
                    } else {
                        li.innerHTML = row[0];
                        li.selectValue = row[0];
                    var extra = null;
                    if( row.length > 1 ){
                        extra = [];
                        for (var j=1; j < row.length; j++) {
                            extra[extra.length] = row[j];
                    li.extra = extra;
            if( options.onFindValue ) setTimeout(function() { options.onFindValue(li) }, 1);
        function addToCache(q, data) {
            if (!data || !q || !options.cacheLength) return;
            if (!cache.length || cache.length > options.cacheLength) {
            } else if (!cache[q]) {
            cache.data[q] = data;
        function findPos(obj) {
            var curleft = obj.offsetLeft || 0;
            var curtop = obj.offsetTop || 0;
            while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
                curleft += obj.offsetLeft
                curtop += obj.offsetTop
            return {x:curleft,y:curtop};
    jQuery.fn.autocomplete = function(url, options, data) {
        // Make sure options exists
        options = options || {};
        // Set url as option
        options.url = url;
        // set some bulk local data
        options.data = ((typeof data == "object") && (data.constructor == Array)) ? data : null;
        // Set default values for required options
        options.inputClass = options.inputClass || "ac_input";
        options.resultsClass = options.resultsClass || "ac_results";
        options.lineSeparator = options.lineSeparator || "\n";
        options.cellSeparator = options.cellSeparator || "|";
        options.minChars = options.minChars || 1;
        options.delay = options.delay || 400;
        options.matchCase = options.matchCase || 0;
        options.matchSubset = options.matchSubset || 1;
        options.matchContains = options.matchContains || 0;
        options.cacheLength = options.cacheLength || 1;
        options.mustMatch = options.mustMatch || 0;
        options.extraParams = options.extraParams || {};
        options.loadingClass = options.loadingClass || "ac_loading";
        options.selectFirst = options.selectFirst || false;
        options.selectOnly = options.selectOnly || false;
        options.maxItemsToShow = options.maxItemsToShow || -1;
        options.autoFill = options.autoFill || false;
        options.width = parseInt(options.width, 10) || 0;
        this.each(function() {
            var input = this;
            new jQuery.autocomplete(input, options);
        // Don't break the chain
        return this;
    jQuery.fn.autocompleteArray = function(data, options) {
        return this.autocomplete(null, options, data);
    jQuery.fn.indexOf = function(e){
        for( var i=0; i<this.length; i++ ){
            if( this[i] == e ) return i;
        return -1;

    Only thing is, if your using the matchContains options, it'll probably no longer work.

  5. Tried to edit the js file, but is harder than i thought. Managed to get this far...


    if( row[0].length > 0 ){
        // get the first character
        sFirstChar = row[0].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
        // if no lookup array for this character exists, look it up now
        if( !stMatchSets[sFirstChar] ) stMatchSets[sFirstChar] = [];
        // if the match is a string
    // if the length is zero, don't add to list
    if( row[0].length > 0 ){
        var tmpArray = [];
        for (var j = 1; j <= row[0].length; j++) {
            // get the next character
            sNextChar = row[0].substring(j-1, j).toLowerCase();
            // Needed to stop duplicate matches appearing in results
            var alreadyIndexed = false;
            for (var k = 0; k < tmpArray.length; k++){
                if(tmpArray[k] == sNextChar) {
                    alreadyIndexed =  true;
            // Character has not been skipped
            if (!alreadyIndexed) {
                // if no lookup array for this character exists, look it up now
                if( !stMatchSets[sNextChar] ) stMatchSets[sNextChar] = [];
                    // if the match is a string
    ^^ That looks at the whole word rather than just the first character and
    if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
        // fill in the value (keep the case the user has typed)
        $input.val($input.val() + sValue.substring(prev.length));
    if( lastKeyPressCode != 8 ){
        // fill in the value

    ^^ That ignores the character what was typed and shows the 'proper' match. Hard to explain, but take it out and you'll see what I mean.

    That will match things halfway through the word/phrase but only on the first character. I'm not too sure how you can make the rest of what the user types match as well.

    Like if you type "d" it would match "aberdeen" and "denmark", but then "de" would only match "denmark" whereas it should match aberdeen. Not sue how to get past this bit either, sorry.

  6. I'd say you're probably best off with the jquery one you found as it seems to do most of what you want, then modify the search code to look at any matches in all of the text. I'm not familiar with how it works, but I reckon it's worth a look to see if it's do-able rather than starting from scratch.

    Edit: I'll have a quick look at the code and see if I can figure it out.

  7. I'd start off with a bit explaining what you actually want (like you're looking for work experience/a job whatever with XYZ) then a bit about what you're studying, your interests in that area etc - basically why you're interested in what you're doing and what you hope to gain from the placement. Then try and make it specific to the actual company - show you've done a bit of research into them, know their market, what they do etc and why you've chosen them over another company.

    You're right about the economy, a lot of companies aren't hiring at the minute and are actually laying people off (I've been applying for job recently lol), so if I was you I'd consider maybe settling for an unpaid/voluntary placement if you can't find a paid placement. It might sound bad at the minute, but when you're applying for jobs later on, it'll make you stand out if you've got up of your own back and got a bit of experience in the industry. It might also lead to a job with the company if they like you.

  8. Not had a problem with the DMRs moving around the bars before - mind you they were only on for a few rides :lol: .

    Try double sided sticky tape and whitespirit - put a bit of double sided sticky tape on the bars, then use white spirit instead of hairspray to fit the grips. Has worked quite well for me with other grips.

  9. Hahaha, yeah might not be such a bad idea!

    I don't really have a problem with ipods as such, (as I said, I have a 3rd (I think!) gen Nano) I just think they're more of a fashion item than a music player! I had actually looked into the Sony players, and the Creatives. The Zen looked quite nice, and was reasonably cheap. Anybody got any info on these?

    Dunno about the Creative Zens, but I've got a 1gig Creative Muvo. Had it 2 years I think now, and it's still working fine (touch wood). Think they might do them larger than 1gig now, but dunno if they do them over 4gig.

  10. Gapping from 1 rock to another, back wheel must've got stuck somehow as I went to gap, sending me over the bars head first into the rock I was going for. Helmet ended up with a nice big scratch along the side. Dread to think what might have happened if I wasn't wearing it.

  11. I'm struggling for a weakness though (Not being big headed, I really can't think of anything that won't cripple the interview!)

    Can't really think of any of the top of my head - but whatever you choose make sure you can say what you're doing to get around them, as they'll probably be looking for someone who can realise their own faults/weaknesses and can take actions to overcome them.

  12. I'd do a bit of research into the company (if you haven't already) - who the competitors are, the market, their future plans etc and think about how you could fit in with this.

    Also, I'd try and backup your answers to questions with examples, as they'll probably be looking for situations in other jobs/college/uni/any thing else you've done where you can demonstrate you're good enough and you have they skills they're after.

    I wouldn't say it was wrong to talk about climbing the ladder (or mentioning progressingin your answers) as it shows you've got drive and ambition and want to stay with the company for a while.

    I'd try and think of some questions to ask them as they'll probably ask if you have any, but if they've covered everything then I'd tell them - I wouldn't ask a question for the sake of asking one.

    Good luck!

  13. Drink both, probably about 2-3 cups of coffee a day and 4 cups of tea. Couldn't stand the stuff till maybe about 4 years ago - now just can't stop drinking it :) .

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