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Posts posted by Shaun@FlawlessBikes

  1. I had a message on Facebook and a phone call today from the sister of Dan Walker, sadly he passed away on Saturday 19th of july 2014.

    For anyone that knew him would know he was a great lad, incredible rider and a fantastic mate, its a huge loss for anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him.

    R.I.P Buddy!

  2. Or perhaps its because there is no money in selling parts that don't break! Everybody loves repeat orders don't they? This actually annoyed me to so much I started flawless bikes, with the plan to sell decent components and a reasonable price! Don't worry guys the company is growing and we will be bring out parts that stand the test of time!

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  3. How on earth are you coming up with that figure? Sure, send it off to a large firm to knock up a CAD model, run some FEA and produce it to aerospace tolerances and you'll be running up quite a tab, but for someone to create the basic structure, hell, you could do that in your own garage for £100 including buying the kit to do so if you put your mind to it.

    OP: This does not mean you. Don't attempt this, Seriously.

    If you send me the Geometry and some pictures, I can knock you up a 3D cad model (for free! I enjoy doing it), sadly Flawless Bikes doesn't have the capability to make it yet but I can help in that respect, if you interested message me on the Flawless Bikes facebook page.

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