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Posts posted by raytracer

  1. After first ride I can say that this bike is superb!

    At the beginning it felt like I'm staying on top of the front tire but I got used to it very fast. So easy to manouver and rotate, every single movement afects the bike :))

    However the rear brake is very weak (HS11 with black pads), any tips how to improve its performance?

  2. Hi again,

    I'm in Bulgaria, we have some kind of trial community but they don't even have a forum...

    You are right that I'm used to 26" and my main goal is to translate the skill.

    Now what should I do? I've tried some moves with my race xc, as you can imagine the geometry is terrible for learning, the other bike is 16kg with big suspension, no luck as well.

    What about 24" is it possible to ride them around the city and really have fun on small jumps etc?

    I was feeling the same way when I had to choose my first mtb without ever been in the mountain :)


  3. What a great community!

    You have convince me to buy a 20" (initially I was thinking about 24 or 26)
    I've come to these two models:

    Onza Comp http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_trials_bikes/onza_comp/c10p11229.html
    Onza Pro http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_trials_bikes/onza_pro/c10p11661.html

    From what I can see the Comp is older model with better parts and rim brakes, Pro is with cheap mechanical disk brakes.
    Can those two brakes compare, which is more suitable for trials, considering my weight?
    // I have hope v4 which are quite strong, especially with organic pads.

    Thanks again for your feedback!

  4. Hello guys,

    I'm riding XC and DH, however 2 years ago I fell on my hip (while wheeling with clips in the park) and couldn't feel my legs for 3 days. Since then I lost my confidence and every time I lift the front wheel I feel damn scary.

    Trial riding is something that I wanted to do from quite some time.

    The boring questions is where to start from? There is nobody around with trial bike, so I hove no idea how it feels. I'm 183cm 88kg and from what I read 20" is the way to go for absolute beginners. To be honest I don't want to be able to do big moves, just the basics.

    Kind regards

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