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Posts posted by Demonrat

  1. The first real trials I ever saw in front of me, and the reason why I chose to ride one now :) was a guy riding a maroon colour pashley in epic park in Mosley birmingham. The dude was seriously awesome! (Can't stress that enough) really love to find out who he was.

    It was early to mid 00's if anyone has any ideas

    Funnily enough, the first time I experienced trials In the flesh was someone on a blue pashley 26mhz. Well actually there were 2 of them. Twin brothers called Alex and dean. Anyone know them? They were pretty successful pure trials riders in the uk... They road around the ashby and moira area.
  2. It's been a while since I've been in the scene... I'm just trying to get my bearings of who's still making bikes who's new in them? What's good? What's not? Who's good? Who's not?

    Last time I rode was early monty 20" (early 2000's) pashley were the Ferrari of trials and Martyn Ashton was destroying the scene on his cannondale...

  3. The problem will be your not leaning back or the bikes not upright enough. The balance point is a lot further back than you think. I learned by putting my front wheel on a bench locking both brakes then learning to keep the bike upright by hopping. Then I moved to pulling the front wheel off the bench and hopping backwards till I learned to hop back and hop on the spot. Then moved to pedal strokes.

    Practice and loose the fear. It's the fear that holds everyone back...

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  4. Hi, I'm gaz...

    A long long time ago, on some pallets far far away, I started riding trials... Would have been about 2000/2001 back in the days of Eddie tongue and Martyn Ashton, and as far as I know, the early days of 20" trials, or "mods" as they now seem to be called...

    I had a monty x-hydra, I rode it nonstop for about 2 or 3 years, got pretty good at it for my age (at least I thought I was pretty good) but to cut a long story short, I turned 16, got a motorbike on the road and never since...

    So after a few years of wanting another, I finally bought one this week!! It arrived today it's a shogun gimp (don't laugh) I know it was a naive buy but it was cheap, and with various car, bike and motorbike projects on the go, cheap is key!

    First problem... It's got a 20" bmx wheel in the back... I didn't realise this when buying it from eBay. Photos lie!

    So my first question is, does anyone have a 19" wheel they wanna sell..?

    Second problem... Does anyone know where I can get the spec on the bike or know anything about them? It's an older one.

    Third problem... I've forgotten how to ride the damn things!

    Thanks for listening, you've been great...


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