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Posts posted by sammywks

  1. 11 hours ago, monkeyseemonkeydo said:

    If it was me I'd paint the frame up in Ed Tongue factory colours or something and hang it on the wall then buy an Inspired Hex to ride.

    This was what I was thinking. I want to get an accurate colour sample so will drop Pashley a message and see if they can supply a colour sample. They were sooooo nice in the factory blue!

  2. Hi guys im hoping for some educated advice regarding my old Pashley. the same as everyone else who grew up riding trials in the 90's i just had to own a Pashley. i was fortunate enough to get hold of one but gave up riding and the bike has sat for the last 15 or so years. i have recently dug it out and am trying to decide if it would be worth the effort restoring it and rebuilding (im a bicycle custom painter by trade, so it will be financially cheap to do) or are they not really considered classic/desirable enough to warrant it. i have been out of the scene for a long time and would like to reignite the fire but unsure if it would be better opting for something more modern. the only parts worth salvaging are the frame and middleburn Ti cranks, otherwise it will be a full ground up restoration. given that these were such good frames in the day do they still have a following?


    i would be interested to hear your thoughts!


    many thanks

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