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Posts posted by THE PALLET

  1. Sorry I haven't been on for a while so hadn't seen your post. I have actually just taken the plunge and decided to swap to a 20"Jitsie Varial 1010. I have only had it for a couple of days but I agree with you with it being easier with wheel swaps, back hops ( and hooks for some reason) and I love it. Thanks :smile:

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  2. 8 hours ago, DYAKOV said:

    I’d say it’s all down to personal preference and style over all. Many people will say that 20” bikes are much lighter and easier to ride. But that’s only noticeable in the first few hours after coming off a bigger bike. Give it a week and once you’re used to the 20” it stops feeling that flicky.

    Likewise, I recently started using my 26” more and the first couple of rides were horrible. It felt so big and heavy and slow. Then I got used to it and I can’t have enough of it.
    My aim is to switch between the two and not really focus on what a bike feels like but focus on my riding itself and making the most of what bike I’m on at the time, so eventually I’m hoping to improve my skills overall.

    Last addition to my collection is a 24” comp bike and surprisingly that’s what I’ve been using the least. I suppose that it’s a good bridge between the other two sizes and if I didn’t have them, I’d be happy with that. But if I was to switch from either of them to the 24” there isn’t any noticeable difference in how it feels.

    Anyway, I’d say get the kind of bike that you associate trials with and get used to it.

    Thanks a lot for that you would just get used to what bike you have at the time. It's handy knowing other people's views .


  3. Every time I've tried low pressure tyres (20-25 psi)  i got pinch flats and i was wondering what psi do you run without having punctures every few days. Generally i have them at 40 psi and have never had problems with this but obviously it would be better having the lower pressures as it improves grip etc. Also do you have low pressures but more puncture resistant inner tubes/tyres?


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