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Posts posted by shaggy

  1. It needs a new stem and might change to hydro disks, but it's finally finished and rideable. Seat take a bit of getting used to, but so far it seems to be really comfortable and that was the reason i got it.


  2. Hello. I need to swap a standard axle on a rear iso chris king to a 12mm through axle. Is it just a simple matter of swapping the axles and adding the collar. Or do i need to remove all the internal gubbins to fit the axle. It's been a while since i've had to fiddle with a bike and im starting to doubt myself. I'm sure the standard rear hub axle width is 135mm is that right?


  3. I used to work in the control room for lancashire police taking non emergency and emergency calls. I can tell you now the police wouldn't have been intrested in it. You could have phoned them to make a report which they would have done but they wouldn't have taken any action what so ever. The reason being an ambulance wasn't called unless I've missed something he didnt complain of any injuries and dont know who he is. So the police have absolutly nothing to follow up. As it it will be your words against his they will leave it for insurance to sort out, the police rarly get involved in RTC's unless there is an injury or the road is completley blocked.

  4. Right i deal with this everyday at work.

    Call your local police find their number on the internet. Explain the situation and request to see an officer about it. If they are anything like Lancs police they will book you a scheduled appointment to take a statement of complaint with a bobby. then let the police do the rest. they will go away and speak to the other party and words of advice given.

    Generally what will happen is they will be warned off first. If they continue what they are doing they will be issued with a harrasement warning. If they still carry on they will be nicked and charged with public order charge and bail conditions placed on them not to contact you by themself or via a third party and to generally stay away. Technically he can be charged with harrasment if he has contacted you more than once as there is then a course of conduct, but this wont happen. But you've got to remember it takes a long time for things to happen, statements have to be taken packages put together, he has to be found, and if he doesnt want to be found that can make things drag on even longer. It can take a really long time to get to the stage where he is formally charged, but generally a warning is issued to them fairly quickly.

    So you can contact the police and they will do something about, but dont expect the other person to just listen to them. If he's a dick which by the sound of it he is then he probably wont listen anyway and he will eventually get himself into trouble.

    So the choice is yours really

    If youre going to contact the police best bit of advice is to keep any texy messages sent or messages on face or anything like that you can show to the bobby that comes round. But best of all dont play his games otherwise it will be seen as a tit for tat argument and very little will get done you will both be treated the same and you yourself could end up in trouble.

    • Like 4
  5. Interesting job, funnily enough I was thinking the other day how I'd never heard of anyone doing that job.

    I saw a think on the news a while back with some guy who kept calling 999 and then rapping down the phone - apparently you have to stay on the line for X amount of seconds before you can dismiss it as a prank/accidental call?

    Do you get a lot of hoax calls and can you tell they're hoax?

    Sort of if it's clear that it's not an emergency then you tell them your going to clear the line and for them to call the local police. Once the call is passed by the BT operator it has to be follwed up. So if you ring 999 decide that it's not an emergency and put the phone down without speaking to anyone it has to be follwed up just incase.

    Dont really get hoax's more just calls that arent 999 calls. Every call has to be follwed up pretty much becuase you just dont know what's happening on the end of the phone.

  6. Basically, its her sister Jessica, she was the stronger sister...and Nikki is the more compassionate and rational sister. So if Nikki is threatened or challenged, Jessica takes over and pwns there asses. But Jessica takes over for a while. Then they work together and if theres a rational thing to be delt with it'll be Nikki...if raw power is needed its Jessica.

    Personaly i think the split personalty comes from what happened when she was a kid. Her farther did something to her (cant remember what). and cant remember if she actually had a sister jessica and she took on the personality when she died. Or that jessica was born from the abuse.

    Anyway she's shit strong with or with out jessica.

  7. running an extension isn't an option. We have a hard wood floor and it would mean running it around doors along skirting and up stairs, and i really cant be bothred. it'll do for now can get e4, film4, itv2. might just get the aerial spilt on the roof and run down in to the room.

  8. got a better aerial, can pick up a few more channels but still cant get bbc1, 2, itv, channel 4 or 5. Mains aerial isn't an option for me :-(, i'll just have to make do with what i've got at the mo.

  9. Hello, i have a hauppauge tv tuner for my pc. But i can only ever get about 4 channels, none of them of any intrest either. Just wondering if anyone else has a tv card and has problems picking up channels. It's fine if i plug it into the roof anntena, but i cant do that all the time. So i have to use a crapy internal one, would getting a better internal one be better? Or would it just be a waste of money.

  10. wanyio is right. If it's an open top trailer it'll all get nicked. I live in blackpool and there is no way i'd leave anything like that around. I'd offer my drive but it wont fit lol. Your best bet is get hold of the council and see if they will offer a lock up or something.

  11. I've have a 306 and its been a nightmare! Engine wise it's been fine and i dont look after my cars (should do really). But check all the electrics they are known for being crap. I've had my central locking go, lights on the dash and my cooling is goosed the fans dont work any more! Should really fix it. And recently the door handle snapped off in my hand so now i have to get in the passenger side. The handles are made out of some strange palastic. Oh yeah and the idle control valve is sticking and my car doesnt idle well. It wouldn't run cold for about 6 weeks. Then just decided to start working again.

    Anyone want to buy a 306????? :-)

  12. Hello i have set up my wireless internet and all has been fine for a good while. But i have suddenly dropped in signal strength and speed. It's dropped from very good to low and from 56 mbps to 24. The router hasn't moved nore has the computer. Do they always do this? And would a better router be any good? At the mo i have the one BT sent me, the wireless card in my pc is a linksys G adapter (802.11g).

    Cheers James

  13. Am getting an oem version. There is no way i am paying for the retail one when the oem is the same thing. Have found XP pro with service pack 2 for £87, an XP media edition for £72. The price diff was what made me think about the media edition. Is it even worth waiting for Vista? Whats the difference i know i can go and read abut it on microsoft, but to be honest i cant be arsed plus they never look at the crap points of it and why you might as well stick with xp.

  14. Hello i need to buy a version of windows for a computer. But there are that many out there i havent got a clue which one to get. Does anyone have any experience with windows media or vista (if it's out yet). And are they worth buying instead of xp. It needs to be a genuine version as well. The comp will be used for listening to music watching vids internet and games. Nothing major, but it needs to be genuine.

  15. Cheers for the replies. Managed to find something on it. Different method to the ones descrided above though. Heres a link to it.


    Took a while using that method though will give the other one a go now. (Y)

  16. Hello, I have a picture that i want to remove certain colours from, like this one.


    But i haven't got a clue how to do it I have tried searching on the internet. But i cant find out how to do it. If anyone can point me to a tutorial or better yet tell me how to do. That would be great.


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