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Damon W

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Posts posted by Damon W

  1. how often are you impressed by someone else side hop height though :D

    all the time! im impressed by ALOT of riding!:)

    this year though im gonna try tech & style up my riding, after watching this it seems apparent that height/big moves arnt EVERYTHING.

    Not necessarily, I just don't think that video was edited particularly well. If you've got a good rider, there's really nothing stopping you making a decent video from it.

    exactly hes at the top level!if i was him id feel pressured into making a TOP END video, or atleast trying! :)

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  2. noticed recently alot of riders wearing pisspots, they seem to be really thing profiles on them as compared with a few years ago them tsgs that used to be 4 inches off your head LOL

    just wondering what these said lids are? as im a newbie to the helmet scene :unsure: koxx ones look cool that vincent wears..

    any help appreciatted

  3. Also any 1 take jack3d as a pre workout drink if so how do you feel about 2. Hours after taking it ?

    Ive tried it, 2 hours afterwards? just abit shakey from the energy comedown, but loads of milk seems to help me :)

    alot of people arguing on here regarding rep range, the simple fact of the matter is rep range to an extent working or not for mass depends on the person, for instance my friend build super fast using the big weight 6 reps way, al that does to me is make me strong.

    for me the best simplest most constant way of describing my training would be.

    monday. shoulders/tris

    tues. back/bis

    wednesday. abs/lowerback/legs

    thursday. rest

    friday. chest/ staggered triceps


    sunday deadlifts

    the most important things id say though is


    WEIGHT, not too light so you cant perform 6 but not so light you can do above 12

    upping the weight every set

    and finally before leaving the gym a burnout on whatever exercise your doing, lightweight, reps too fail


  4. I'm shit at gaps which is why i know exactly what you are doing wrong.

    You need to be closer to the edge on preload, when you preload the tyre/wheel will fold over the edge.

    When you kick this will make your effort spring you forward.

    This advice, although coming from me here, is from various shit hot riders telling me over and over again, cos I just don't get it lolz.

    i would actually go further back personally, going on the edge springs you downnnnn, which looses distance.

    Would it be better if i ran harder preasures while im learning pinch gaps so that i really have to force my rear wheel into the corner and make myself spring off?


    MORE SIDEWAYS, further sideways you face the further you go, watch neils vids he does it alot better then me, its great to watch



    not in anyway on the edge :)

  5. with regards to the whole 'ego' thing, thats not the case, the riding is just riding and i have my top of becos its warm? Whats wrong with that

    And the punchbag is in there becos i get sick of watching just riding clips, sooo..

    regardless anyway, people need to chiiiilll winnnstaaann :)

  6. love this guys style, moves were big, didnt enjoy the edit, thought the song was abit homo, but the riding more thern makes for a good watch..

    keep them coming, very inspiring

  7. Hmmm I would say damon spring 2010 is still my favourite video. I liked the song/riding went so perfectly for me but that is just my opinion.

    I think your videos are really inspiring, the riding is just inhuman and the editing was really good.

    I think its good he puts in non riding clips. Its very interesting to see what kind of person is behind the rider.

    I say this to everyone but I think you should film without a fish eye so its easier to tell how big you are actually going. Everything looks big on a fish eye but on a regular lens lengths only look massive if they are massive, and your riding is massive.

    This is filmed withouz a fisheye, only the first 2 clips on the rail a fisheye was used.

    The rest just a standard 0.5 wideangle raynox was fitted after peoples input from the last videos :)

    New vid should take as lomg now my knee isnt QWITE asbad..and ile try incorporate abit more tech (Y)

  8. It´s very good video,but where´s this one?

    decided not to put it in as the one which made it in is a fair bit bigger so didnt see much point tbf

    To be honest, the video is insane but the last shot is not necessary. Everyone knows that you are strong, neglects superficial... big sidehop and hook up btw

    not necessary? none of its necessary to be honest mate, online videos are just a compilation of clips you fancy showing people..

    thats like saying to the cousts, them natural clips wernt necessary, we all know youv got excellent control.

    its all just fun and games dont take the content to seriously :)

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