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Posts posted by the_soon_to_be

  1. after 6 years since selling my beloved yz125 ive just bought a yz250, and being 2 stroke shes rapid. not getting home till friday so got a week to wait, gutting, but gives me chance to order some parts up

    being 2004 needs tarting up, someones fitted the yellow plastics and one industries hurricane graphic kit, not my cuppa so ordering new factory colour plastics and quite likeing the team rockstar kit, UK's suppliers dont offer anytihnng out the ordanairy and cant be arsed buying from states, so next weekend ill strip her down and get looking spanky,

    pics to follow

  2. bored of reading gay bashing now, so...

    looking to get my A3 tdi 140 remapped, its none DSg so dont have to worry about that crap, wheres best (obvisoully gunna get R Tech)

    from either portsmouth or Ipswich

  3. no im afraid the whole self tanning, white vests and hair gel look whilst shouting 'pays to be a winner' and 'EXERCISE begin' doesn't appeal to me.

    its worth it just not for no MATTS and no guard duties

    on the subject of running, i pressume your doing enough stretches after the runs ? if you not google for some basic streches to perform and youll notice a shit load of difference the next day

    if i do some phys and neglet stretching off i suffer the next day

  4. before i joined i was a welder/fabricator in a good job, good pay etc but didnt wanna stay there forever so one day on a whim i went in the careers office.. literally the best thing i ever did

    no one thought i did through basic trasining being a shy retiring person, and at times when it good hard i wanted to sack it in but just gotta push through it, alot of people didnt though (started with 42, and 20 passed out finally)

    since all my trainings done, ive done boxing courses, mountian bike, kayak etc etc

    you'll have the best mates going, best nights out, sure when your stagging on etc your wonder why you put yourself through it but its worth it, pays not too bad either, 40 days leave this year, free meds and dentals.

    before i did not phys apart from trails, now i one of the fittest lads in my sections, which has not only got me notices for promotion recomendations but allows me to do all the courses i want.

    so basically, join up.. although youd have a f**king long wait to get to basic now

    as for the lad that dropped out of RAF Reg, you done the right thing.. did you really want to be a security guard for Bastions Internal Airfield :lol:

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  5. just doing that everyday will overload the muscles in your arms and they will never get any bigger, you wont gain anything just doing arms.

    the exercises youd most benifit from is big compound lifts, so heavy deadlifts, squats and bent rows because they work all the major muscle groups at once

    that will work for a basic arms, once maybe twice a week

    if your purely set on just doing that try and incorperate seated shoulder presses, incline, decline and flat chest presses and just make it a all over body workout

    do that every other day and see if you get any gains, they will be minimal

    as for eating loads, that might be the case but is it the right foods ? some nights i literally force myself to eat someting, even just a can of tuna

    google search and do some reading, or bicep curl till your dizzy if you think it helps

  6. unfortunatly just smashing out the curls wont give you massive arms, biceps isnt the only muscle.

    if your purely doing 3x8 3 times a day you wont see gains because the fibres have no time to rebuild themselfs, even with just dumbells you could do a very simple split.

    day 1 biceps and ticeps

    day 2 back

    day 3 chest

    day 4 shoulders

    with just dumbells youd had to include alot of body weight exercises

    have a google search for exersises to the above split and go from there, if your skinny then start smashing in the food

  7. So right now, if I offered you a pint of piss with a urinal cake in it, you'd down it? I doubt it, if you think it's funny that's fine. I think it's funny as well, in the sense that I would stand there laughing, but in the same way I laugh at the disabled, I'd never want to trade places.

    obvisiouly not, not like it tastes great.. surely youve played drinnking games that get out of hand, well they do, and its all about one up man ship.. ive seen someone satnd on the table, trousers round his ancles whilst a minger tries to nosh him off as he attempts to down a pint of piss followed by a pint of puke.. its not pretty but thats what happens when its your birthday forfit

    its all shock and horror, and funny as fook at the same time

  8. In short, im loaded onto pre-para in June, my cardio is very good, strenght to weight is good (pull ups etc) and i never drop off stretcher races, log runs (determination more than anything)


    i have the time between now and june to get fit as possibke, i particular want to build leg muscles and shoulder strenght

    ive got training programes from various ptis that have done the cse, but wondered if you lot have a different look on it, im cramming the carbs and protien as well as hitting the gym hard most nights, but have to fit in boot runs and bergan runs as well as my daily PT anyways,

    so legs and shoulders, hit me

  9. Basic is shit, just months of beastings and never doing anything right. Even if you do it perfect your still told it's wrong and your shit

    It's to weed out the weak who can't handle it, half my troop daor letter and left, self determination will go along way

    From going to careers office don't expect to be a fighting legend for over a year (long wait for basic)

    I only assume it's same with RAF, have nothing to do with

    that lot and don't want to. If you want field craft though join the army and don't be security for empty hangers

  10. on the particlularly painful part of the shin, really use your thumbs with force to massage the shin. starting at the left side of the shin (where splint will be) almost try to stretch the muscle over the shin bone, it'll hurt but will sort you out.

    do it a few times a week, as well as icing shin a few times a day if you can.

    a big factor in shin splints it due to crap trainers, if your serious about running get decent shoes, not meaning £40 addidas clogs, asics are good but personally i use saucony hurricane XI, they have a gel inserts in the sole, and because of my over prenating when running have a harder insert built in the sole (dark grey area) they come in at almost £100 but then on top i saw a foot doctor and had some custom insoles made to completely correct my running stride, they werent cheap at £65 but all in all money well spent

    i've had a shin splint before, only minor, but they suck so invest a bit of cash in your feet

  11. s3 hit the alcro, front and rear lightly, mini hit post and bent subframe, nicks a3 is eating cv's, steering rack, track rods etc, leon ate 3rd-4th gear for dinner (funny story) think thats it.

    my clutch has started slipping, cv gone, major arb rubbing and generally grounding out damage

    as was said the temp was freezing, even with a pretty intense fire, shower room floor was warmest place ay andy :lol:

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