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Posts posted by halliday

  1. i get what you mean, i think its gay too... not like the olf itunes where you could choose what music you wanted to put on the ipod, now you gotta put it in the libary and let it do it itsself, beofre you could just drag and drop in its own little libary which i thort was far easier..

  2. there was a guy parked up in london in the early hours trying to have a quick nap,

    a jogger runs past and knocks on his window "have you got the time mate", "7.30" he replies,

    so he puts the window up and tries to get back to sleep,

    5 mins later the same things happens with another jogger, "7.35" he replies and tries to get back to sleep,

    another 5 minutes pass by, it happens again, at this point he starts to get annoyed so he puts a sign in his window sayin "i do not no what the time is",

    5 minutes later another jogger knocks on his window and says "its ten to 8 mate"

  3. well whos seen it? its a pretty cool show, they have like 'street' sports,, saw it on friday i think and again on sunday at 11, the trials part was only short but good for the sport. had craig lee scott and dan holroyd riding if i remember correctly, they also show stuff like trials unicycling, street magic, flat land bmx, its cool, look out for it.

  4. as far as i know there arnt any 24" ridgid forks, apart from the rewelded pashleys or ashtons.

    If you ask clive Leeson to weld some 24" mounts onto another set of forks youve found, he might.

    could try the old idea of upside down maguras, no idea if it would work though.

    when you say upside down magura, you mean on reverse of fork?? well i got that set up on my fork. got leeson to put rear mounts on a set of pashley forks. works perfectly well

  5. if ur watching it on quick time and get annoyed with that 3/4 screen, try real player works for me, far better full screen. 24" sections rocks. nice one cheers!!

  6. so id like to hear some opinions on what forks people have used and which they feel are the best. im thinking between ashton forks or pashley forks wi 24 mounts.

    does anybody have any idea how much leeson charge for brake mounts lowered, forks resprayed and the postage cost there and back, so i got a rough idea of how much its gunna cost if i go for them. with the pashley forks too, is there any braking difference between having mounts on the front or reverse, or is it just the look??

    cheers james

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