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Posts posted by grantham

  1. Hi all,

    I havent done much riding this year after a broken wrist and trials I didn't really ride for the last 2 years but getting back into things slowly. I went on a trip to whistler and vancouver and took both bikes with me :D Such a fun 10 days and tried to capture as best I could in a video. 



  2. haha thanks dude I tried to mix it up as too much of one thing gets boring after a few minutes! Yer it's so long since we saw last time!! I think some muddy quarry in Yorkshire right? I've picked up a really weird accent living in Germany the last 8 years, I cant shake it! I hope you well?

  3. 2 hours ago, MadManMike said:

    ^ That looks epic. I'd love to take my bike somewhere and explore, not even to ride trails necessarily, just a good way to get around as you said.

    I mostly don't trust putting it in a bag and it getting to the destination in one piece, otherwise I'd book it on my next flight.

    Yer I was also a bit worried about taking the "big bike", I traveled a lot with my trials bike over the year but there's not too much that can go wrong with them and quick to set up, but with gears, shocks etc I know what you mean. You can also rent in a lot of places but it's quite expensive if you already own a bike :) I'm really enjoying going to different places with bikes. 


  4. Not sure this is the correct place to post the video but finished an edit from a recent trip to Bali, I took my enduro bike with me and joined 2 days riding some pretty nice trails there, not the most hardcore tracks but a lot of fun and a nice way to explore.



  5. Not sure this is the correct place to post the video but finished an edit from a recent trip to Bali, I took my enduro bike with me and joined 2 days riding some pretty nice trails there, not the most hardcore tracks but a lot of fun and a nice way to explore.


  6. I was doing a few enduro races last year trying to let my elbow "recover" Finally had time to throw some clips together of the final race I did. Probably a bit too long and too much head cam footage but it's tough to get anything else when racing. So I added some Vlog style bits in to mix it up.



  7. I haven't been able to ride for quite a few months because of injuries but finally got around to putting some clips together I filmed when I was back in the UK for Christmas, just some chilled out riding at some of what I call my home spots.

    Enjoy :)



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  8. Hi all,

    I finally had some time over christmas to finish editing my video from October this year. I was in Vietnam for a couple of weeks with work but took my bike to ride at the weekend. The place is totally crazy and I tried to capture some of that in the editing. It's really fun to go to a country like this where pretty much no one has seen trials before, they love it. Moving from one riding spot to another with a huge convey of motorcycles following you is a surreal experience. At one point the police had to come to tell the people to move as they caused a road block. This was definitely the most fun trip I have had with my bike. Enjoy :)

    Vimeo Video -> Original Video
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