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Posts posted by Canned

  1. Man take it!

    They're closing off streets along the quays and apparently bringing in trailer loads of dirt for jumps etc.....

    The Aurthur's Quay park area is going to be transformed!

    I don't know if you know them but some of the MBUL gang are going to be demoing there. One of their lads is mad for flatland and DJ - he's trying to get a couple of brit lads over too....

    If anyone wants to know more detail I can try to get one of the event organisers to give you a call...


  2. Hello all,

    For the past 2 years Limerick's Riverfest has entertained those from the region both on and off the water.

    Kayaking demo's (mostly fun competition events) at Ireland's best kayaking playspot, Curragower Falls in the centre of Limerick city has been quite a draw so far and will continue to be this year along with the second year of big air ramp larking!

    This year, competitioon organisers introduce their other much loved sport of mountain biking.

    With the rapid growth of Riverfest (excuse the pun!) organisers have confirmed "Riverfest Streetstyle":

    Streetstyle 4X,

    Dirt/Street Comp,

    Trials Demo

    BMX Jam

    "Get HUCKED" Streetstyle North Shore Special,

    Skateboarding -Tubes Sponsored Team demo

    Bunny hop and wheelie comps

    Streetstyle Big Air Ramp

    So you can take this as an open invite to come to Limerick on the weekend of 28th April to May 1st and enjoy!


  3. if you suspect the frame is cracked and this is causing the flex try this:

    get some masking tape (the papery tape) and tape across the welds of everywhere that could possibly be cracked.

    Go out and ride it like you stole it...

    check to see if the tape has stretched or torn anywhere...

    if not, it's most likely something else cos I'm nearly 14 st and find it completely solid...

  4. cp101 is right - it is trickier than the 2 wheel thing - totally different in fact, so I have no idea why someone would post what the previous 2 posts are....

    there is a difference between a genuine bunny hop and hopping both wheels (which in my mind shouldn't even be refered to as a bunny hop).

    I'm having difficulty with this also - firstly, it's nothing to do with speed - it's weight shifts/transfers that is the main point.

    cp's description is a good one - weight back, almost manual style, to get the front up. Then stand up high and while launching yourself up to full extension start lifting the bike - it's important to aggressively pull your feet up otherwise the bike won't rise at the back like it should.... basically, it's making the front light, getting your body up to a height and making the back light to allow you to lift the bike....

    another pointer (as included in ryan leech's "Mastering the Art of Trials") is to use a speed bump. Approach it at enough speed, allow your front wheel to touch, you should already have your weight back. the bumping against the tyre should help lift the front, then as backwheel hits, lift up your legs....

    Best of luck with it - hope this all helps cos SPD's aren't going to teach you how at all...

  5. I have the same thing happening to my TRex.... I keep an allen key with me most times and if it works loose and I've forgotten it, I'll stop cos it's just not worth it.

    haven't tried the locktite yet - intend to give it a go soon though. I think I'll go for an Isis BB if any failure happens at the crank...

  6. I'd say as regards geometry - you can't copyright measurements...

    Although you can't copyright individual notes in music either but I think the law there surrounds the combination of notes that matches in other songs...

    So if a new song comes out that has a sample in it from another song, permission is sought and royalties get paid.

    If permission isn't sought and the writer of the new song claims that they came up with the riff themselves it gets messy if someone else can claim it as their own.

    What I'm saying is that at a very oblique guess, if head tube angle, bb height, stay length etc etc were identical on the bikes of competing manufacturers, then the first company out with their bike could have a case.... Maybe - I don't know....

  7. I agree - it's not a question of doubting the amount of work that goes into a bike - prototypes, testing etc. I don't think anyone would take that effort away from designers & builders.

    I agree though - there are a lot of bikes out there with similar "styling cues". At the end of the day, the look of a bike is all about the package that a set of geometries, qualities, weight balances and lasting strength is built into - so why do lots of bikes end up looking the same? Because there is a limit to these combinations...

    I'm guessing that most bike companies also accept this and see the way the bike looks as secondary. That being the case, perhaps they don't mind too much if a rival company comes out with a bike that looks like theirs considering there are enough people who seem to be anal enough that they'll advertise the original by saying "it's just a bloody copy of......"

  8. If you can tolerate Ryan Leech (I can - I only mention it becasue there seem to be an amount of "ABRL's" on this site) then buy it.

    I got it from www.totalvid.net where you can download it as a weeklong licence, lifetime licence or get the actual dvd sent to you.

    The vid breaks down to 4 sections (or should I say "Zona's" - haha.. (Y)) okok - silly joke, Ryan calls them Phases....

    Phase 1 covers hoping in place, rocking, trackstand etc. basically, balance type stuff

    Phase 2 & 3 are progressively more advanced.

    As a presenter - Ryan looks as uncomfortable as Grandpa Simpson trying to rap. If you can laugh this off and just take it in then you'll notice you are actually watching a very well put together instructional video.

    The points that stand out for me are that it's filmed in a white background set with instrumental (ie. no lyrics) music. This is important as it shows an understanding of the learning process - to give the learner nothing to be distracted by - like song lyrics or background.

    Music is not exactly of my tastes but you start to not notice it because it's used well. When Ryan pauses in video in an endo before leaning back to get the front up, he explains during the pause about timing into weight shifts etc - the music also pauses and it's done well.

    Personally, I would agree with his splitting of Phases, though I would not pretend to be any more than about half way through the second phase. Ryan doesn't use the phases as a strict learning curve that you need to stick to - I think everyone knows that some people get backwheel hops really good before they can do much of an endo (ie different people learn differently)

    The final phase included on the dvd is Ryan's "go out and have fun" bit - getting into the whole point of biking - to enjoy it. In this section he pretty much gets into some street riding and links different moves etc, getting into how to do them....

    Overall - shit presenting from Ryan but a very well put together DVD where you, as the learner, have been considered....


  9. Keeping arms straight is the way to go IMO - and, with knees bent, absorb the shock through your legs and arms.

    This is the bit that takes up a lot of shock, and makes it some bit easier on your legs.

    From the drop, come off and push down with your legs, even straighten them out full. Get the stem right up to you.

    The idea is to let the wheel touch down and then absorb everything - try not to let the wheel impact hard - that's what landing properly is all about, absorbing shock any way possible to spread the impact and prolong the life of your bike and your body!

    once the back wheel touches down, you want to start to absorb the impact by bending your knees. At the same time, you can transfer some of it by shifting your body weight back, turning you into a big elastic that stretches across your arms back to your butt. You're effectively counterbalancing the fall of your front wheel by stretching back...

    trashzen gives a good account of it - check out the physics of landing bit...

  10. Hmm... amazing how commenting on Leech's riding appears to get people's blood up.

    I really don't understand how people can say his riding is repetitive.... One thing I noted about TAOTR was a particular spot that was used to demonstrate/instruct on several skills.

    I don't think he spins off everything, and he doesn't stick to street all the time either. I really cannot understand how people can say his riding is repetitive, boring etc. It makes me wonder if you actually paid attention to the videos to be honest?! :)

  11. I read some advice here about using one finger so, considering I had only just started, I got used to this before getting too used to two....

    You need good brakes to get away with it but I find I'm more confident in my control over the bike as I have a better grip on the bars.

  12. I got his dvd from www.totalvid.com.

    I think it's the business although Ryan's presenting style is pretty crap! He explains stuff well but I can't help but think there may be a bit more to these moves than I've seen explained by anyone, ever....


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