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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Nice mate, well ard'

    Cool video, liking those balance lines and the frames look pretty smart too, never seen one ridden before. Music seemed to go quite well too.

    Keep up the good riding (Y)


    Thanks Ian. I have some old records, so I wiil try to make another vid as soon as posible (Y)

    LukeBrisaRider You are very nice guy (Y)

  2. They are big as they are most likely DV AVI - pure digital video with very little compression.

    A good place to start is the MPEG Encoder that comes with Premiere 6.5. Its pretty good and the settings you can choose from are quite self-explanitory in terms of the quality you will get from them.

    File > Export Timeline > Adobe MPEG Encoder

    Hope this helps, best of luck (Y)


    Thanks Jonny (Y)

  3. Windows movie maker is the only thing I can think off usless you "get" adobe.

    Why not take a look on the adobe site I think you can download a free trial and if you like it you could acquire a coppy?

    But all in all windows movie maker is simple and 100x easyer to use than adobe + free.


    I have adope 6.5 but I don't know how to compress file. All my vid comes fu...ing Big. What settings do You use mate?

    Cheers Mike

  4. Hi Dallas

    Conact us. We can bulid frame with Yours ( or GU ) geometry for about 150-200Ł. (Y) We give one year warranty for our frames.

    Tape us or call




    Or contact our Uk distributor


    Stephen Spurgeon


    Cheers Mike :D

  5. Ok then, i've decided to get a new frame soon and im torn between these two frames:

    1. A1 Adamant

    2. Echo HiFi

    So which one is it to be and why?

    Can people post some of there fully built Hifi's because I havent seen many and like the frame and want to see it built. B)



    have a look at ours Frames. We have some very nice ant cheap stuff. Visit www.mikebike.pl or www.heatsinkbikes.com

    Cheers Mike

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