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Posts posted by Motorfiets1234

  1. Yeah but that were an end of video for zoo :P

    Great riding and really good video nice one craig (Y)

    true true but the fact about ending something... but people say he's not quitting so im happy now!!java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:', 'smid_20')


  2. anybody here remember when cls had his last "end of video?" hopefully its another one of those and he'll pick it back up...

    sad thing is, if cls does quit (pray he doesnt) we can no longer talk about the two Zoo video guys...

    to cls: DONT QUIT!! the trials world wont be the same if you do.


    Dis net ek

  3. So far there hasn't been one nice bike in this thread, simply because everyone's just posting pictures of their own.

    In the history of TF this has never worked! If you posted a picture of your own bike you're officially a 'tard. I'm gonna post a pic, but not of my bike as an entry...

    IPB Image


  4. [attachmentid=5328]

    That was interesting. Certainly different.

    Personally I'd try to remove as much of the clips where nothing is happening. I'd also place the camera so it includes more of the run up to the object you're riding. And maybe not include the majority of the bails if you are producing the video for the enjoyment of others. Sorry but I think people just aren't into watching bails of that sort.

    Good effort though and I hope you produce another one.

    And if I were you I'd ignore the kids with nothing constructive or positive to say. Most likely they miss a good deal of the point to riding trials. That is, the experience of activity rather than the idea of ability or skill. Unlucky to them.

    I do partially produce my videos for the enjoyment of others but more so for myself. I will watch my videos over and over again analizing them against pro videos and notice all the small tedeous stuff I do wrong. Thus correcting them the next time I go out to ride. The point to trials is very well said on CLS's site. Something along the lines of "its all about riding and enjoying trials"...or at least that was the main point.

    Thanks Again



  5. That was pretty cool, showed alot more 'riding' then. Quiet liked that one (Y)

    Try experimenting with your feet further back on the pedals..so the axel is under the ball of your foot..(there is a topic on that somewhere)

    How you finding running a rear disk?


    I'm liking the rear disk. I'll sure try the feet further back, I tried once, hated it, but I think its worth another try now.

    Thanks Again

  6. hey well thanks for the rest of the comments. as for being more smooth, ive been watching lots of felix and ryan leech and trying to have the no set up hops technique. I dug up one of my 2 year old videos and realized that my moves have gotten better but I need to be more flowy and not stop to set up. As for the still shots, Ill be sure to remove them next vid.

    Thanks Again


    P.S. Mat Hudson thanks personally for your comment, well appreciated. I give you a positive rep in my book. my books not worth much of nothing but still thanks.

  7. ok thanx for all the comments. Ill work on all the stuff i did wrong.

    Thank you personally to Charel, Ill most certainly use your advice. and improve on the stuff you mentioned.

    Thanks again to all.

    Comments still welcome, but please give me some advice on how to improve

  8. glad to know that i know a piece of history mr. tom mcneal himself. actually got to ride with him not too long ago. he was and still is an amazing rider. even beat Ryan Cecil (us national champ) at a comp over here state side.

  9. well i snapped a few pics of my bike the other day: not exactly bmx but thats all i

    do with it is ride bmx so.... with out further a do:


    front wheel is crap, gonna get a new one soon


    single speed with old derailuer as tensior


    i enjoy it, o btw its actually an old echo frame. im saving/looking for a

    24" disk rear wheel so i can run rear disk brake on it. so if any one has a disk 24"

    rear wheel laying around ill buy it.




  10. ok for starters :blink::huh:B) all that riding defies gravity. ok my question is, there are no taps in that video, i ask cause all the other pro guys use taps and hooks quite a bit. how do you get so high by a pure bunny hop alone?

  11. And Motorfiets1234 i think it will be loads to short for you, it was too short for me and im only 5'9/10"


    thanx for the help. figured it would be. im thinking about getting a zoo python cls ver. should fit me better.

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