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Posts posted by nickinator12

  1. okay i live in chichester near porstmouth, i can not find any comps near me ! i am okay on my bike but is there any begginar comps anywere ?

    also where is hut hill ?

    hi i do ebtc comps and i think most or all comps have a

    white route- begginner

    blue route- intermediate

    red route- expert

    yellow route- elite

    although i think british and that is done on age and the EBTC have another route which is white/green which is basically white route but a tad easier and is for under thirteens also try this website bike trial uk

    hope ive helped nick

  2. Yes they will, its not the length it is also about the cup size or shell size whichever it is 68 or 73mm.

    I am pretty sure T-Pros are 68mm, always go for the longest axle you can, more upgradeability for changing frames etc, generally 127.5 on sq taper is as long as it goes and 128mm on ISIS.

    so do you mean any axle length will fit just the shell size i need to check and does anyone know if this bb will fit my bike linky

  3. basically im getting some parts for my bike and i need to know what is a better tyre out of a creepy crawler, stiky or a eagle claw and i will also get a new bb and cranks but am unsure what axle size ill need 122.5mm or 127.5mm and what is a good crank length 160mm,165mm,170mm or 175mm and i ride an 06 t -pro.

  4. hi

    i currently ride a grey and red t-bird and am considering buying a new bike i'm not excellent so obviously i wouldn't need a top of the range bike i will spend anything up to £500 i've looked at koxx djinn, monty 219 alp, onza t-mag(spec 1) and onza t-lite(pro spec)or would it just be worth buying a new t-bird or upgrading my current one. Also if you anyone sees any good ones on ebay could they please tell me and please don't say t-pro as i'm not overkean on them.


    :D nick :D

  5. i have the same problem but just try to do something or your fear builds up and then you decide not to do it and just think what you'll feel like once you done something you was scared to do before. also if it helps were extra protection as i find that always boosts my confidence up a little bit i know its hard but i suppose its something you got to do.

  6. Hi

    ive been looking at an onza t-lite on super cycles but unfortunately they dont have a picture they have pictures off the t-lite ultimate but if any 1 has pictures of the £500 pound one could they please post them also if anyone has one are they good bikes?



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