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Danny Foster

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Posts posted by Danny Foster

  1. I think you will find that the 'old monty' (yellow/white stripe) and the 'old echo' (white stripe) are exactly the same tyre. But of course one say's 'Monty and the other say's 'Echo' on the sidewalls. (Y) So obviously you should decide whether you would rather have an Echo or Monty sign on your bike :P .


  2. You wouldn't be able to fit a front rim on the back unless, obviously, you had a hub that had the same amount of spokes holes than the rim. (Y) But i would just, like some others, advise you to get a Mavic rim. They aren't wide, so they will fit in your frame and they are stupidly strong!! (Y)


  3. That is an amazing bike for anyone to have, never mind to start on! One of the nicest specs i've ever seen. (Y)

    Bit of a daft thing for the seller to be advertising his bike with dirty tyres. I know it wouldn't make a difference to the riding of the bike. But how much better does a picture of a nice clean bike look than that of a dirty one; it gives the impression that it's not looked after. I'm sure it is though ;) .

    GU is better, hehe.


  4. To be honest, i dont think it looks any different to the other two, earlier prototypes of this frame, apart from the spray job. But, even though i still think it looks really nice, the chainstays are a stupid idea, soley because of the extra weight it will need to carry and the fact that on sidehops they will really get in the way...


  5. Just like the guy said in the first post, all it will boil down to, eventually, is personal opinion. Before i was sponsored i used to bleed my brakes with oil to save having to fork out £70 every six months (which i think is the main arguement for most people). But, now i get them cheaper i use water purely because the feel is great and much more responsive.

    Also, regarding what someone said earlier 'oil is slow' most of the time it is. But if you can master the art of bleeding a brake well with oil, which some of my friends have, then that would be awesome.


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