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Posts posted by Dallas

  1. Very nice!!

    Same things, voice is hard to distinguish/long black outs

    Few things I might add/change:

    - I find slow motion is really nice when you are trying to accentuate something, maybe some of the big moves could be done in slow motion

    - "is unrelenting" goes by really quickly and it would be cool if the music had a big punch as soon as it fades out, that point in the video seems sort of climactic to me...

    Thanks, great video

  2. When I started, I would put my front wheel up on a curb or pallet and practiced lifting up my rear wheel and rolling on, really exaggerating the rear wheel lift until I could do a front/rear wheel switch on the edge of the curb. This just helped with body postion, I found my body weight had to be quite far over my bars.

    Once you start gapping to front wheel, keep your arms locked when your front wheel first lands on the object and really bend your knees to pull your rear wheel up. Be careful, you don't want to catch your front wheel on the object and go over the bars.


  3. Really good video. I just ordered a mod so I am pretty excited to start riding it, so far I just ride stock 26" trials. I think the only comment I would make is to maybe check the exposure on your camera for proper lighting, some shots looks a little washed out. I just discovered the exposure settings on my camera this summer, helped me a tonne.

    Great video and nice riding,


  4. Just make sure your frame can handle a 46-48mm wide rim. I got an echo rim for my stock bike and its way too wide (I run a rim brake). I agree with the above, for the price of a new rear hub I would seriously consider a White Industries free wheel. I have found they skip about the same number of times as a normal rear hub (chris king), but they are less catastrophic, smaller more managable skips.


  5. Hi, I came here seraching for some help deciding to buy a GU long mod frame or a GU short mod frame. I was riding the 2004 echo team mod, and I felt cramped on it (I am 5'10" tall). The GU frame has a higher bb than the Echo, so I thought that the longer GU frame might feel better because of this. Honestly I have no idea....the long frame might feel terrible and its a $600 frame and I don't want to mess this decisions up. Any advice would be really appreciated.


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