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Posts posted by Lee_w

  1. I use a Giro E2, there sweet helmets and looks mint!, i recomend these helmets to anyone. I've had mine for around 7 months now and i've not had no problams with it at all, It's took a few bangs aswell and no sign of it braking anywere. There really really good helmets but they are quite expensive aswell.

    I've also used a Piss pot helmet a drilled out one, it was realll tough and took enough shit what i gave it. I could just chuck that on the floor and it wouldnt do anything to it at all. Only problam i found with this helmet that your head gets really sweaty whilst riding becuase it doesnt have enough vents in there to let the air through. It just had little holes all around what didnt really do much. It was very comfy though apart from my head sweating all the time.

    Over all the e2 is the best helmet for me, truely are awesome helmets and well worth the money of you ask me.

    Wigs (Y)

  2. Best pads for the summer has got to be Plaz CRM's ... there truely awesome on a grind and hold so well, There quite good on a smooth rim aswell but no wear as good as they are on a grind. They make a hell of a noise aswell witch gives you a safer feeling, well i feel safer when my brake makes a nice loud Honky noise. They really are the pads to buy. I sometimes hear people complaining about the price aswell on rides and stuff but i think there well worth the money, they really are the best pad out in my opoinion.

    If your on a low budget then i also recomend the Heatsink blues, there Great pads aswell. Hold well, make a nice noise and have great bite to them. Aswell as the wear rate is good aswell, i was running a pair on the front on a light/dead grind for about 2 months and they still have a around 3 quarters of pad left and i'm allways using my front brake doing front gaps, wheel swaps etc etc.

    Overall i rate Plazzies to anyone, they are the best pad out to be honist and i've used loads of pads.

    Wigs :)(Y)

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