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Steve B

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Posts posted by Steve B

  1. turns out i should have read this review before buying my DMR one, it sucks so much balls, it cant even keep my chain tense for one ride, no matter how hard i tighten the bolt! PLUS. having to tighten it up all the time only means one thing, round the fooooking bolt. grrrr, bring on the chris king

  2. Watch a good 'old skool' video.

    Then watch a good one from recent.

    See how bigger it's got?

    I recon it'll keep going bigger, and better.

    For example, say the highest sidehop 5yrs ago would be nothing compared to now.

    And then the current biggest sidehop would be nothing in 5yrs. :ermm:

    yeh can see what you mean. the stuff some riders pull of now is insane. alot of street though for example has been influence more and more by jump/bmx which you never used to get....

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