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A Few Questions About Video Editing...


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Right, well i just wanted to know a few techniques in FCP. for example- how do you play one clip on top of another? So there are two video clips going at 50% opacity sorta thing? I think it has something to do with two video time lines running two videos at the same time, but i don't know how to change the settings!

There are a few more questions but i have forgotten and will edit later when i remember. Also if anybody else has questions about video editing might as well post them in here.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I want to know how to do this as well. I'm sure you can run 2 videos at the same time WITHOUT there being an kindof semi transparency at all. I've seen a ryan leech someone recently posted and he rides along next to a fence while another one of him rides along the top of it at the same time...and neither of them are semi transparent.

Il just add to the questions while I'm here.

Anyone know of a program that makes those pictures where someone is doing say a drop and you can see like 5 stages of the drop at once. like this, (my crude atempt at doing in it paint).

IPB Image

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It's actually not very difficult, you need some footage filmed on a tripod and adobe premier.

Here you can see 2 scenes

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simply put them on top of each other

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now you can adjust the yellow line, that will make the upper video transparent

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that's the first way to be twice in one video.. second way, in case you dont want to be transparent:

don't use the yellow line, pull it back to 100%. Now open the effects menu (if you cant find it: window -> effects) now you have to translate by yourself.. that's how it looks in the german premier:

IPB Image

just pull the effect "over" the upper scene

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open the effect control / properties.. i don't know how it's called in english.

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select the upper video, now you can see a dropdown menu, called sth with "scale"

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now you can cut the video, in %

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i pulled the value to 29% "right", you can see its not enough, because you can't see the second me complete. On 50% i can see both "me".

IPB Image

basically that's it.. you just have to end the effect, when one person left the screen. Try to play with the effect, after a few minutes it won't be a big deal (Y)

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There many a way to do it , green screen being the most popular, I would suggest if you have FCP or adobe to read the manual as It says quite clearly how the timeline works and suchlike. IF not then buy a book on it and read and learn the hard way like most of us have to. That way you understand how it does it and ways you can manipulate it.

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cheers for your replies. Yer as i said before i have Final cut Pro and it's actually different to that idea which is shown above but cheers anyway.

Also for the green screen idea you need after effects for that don't you?

In FCP i found out all i had to do was put the clips above each other right click and go to composite mode then click add. Then fiddle about from there. I also found out how to do similar effects to that off manifesto.

So basically thanks for everybody's help, and also to the lad who asked about the picture technique the way i do it is obviously make sure the camera is on a tri-pod and in the same place and just copy and paste the rider from one picture into another, selecting the square from the top of the picture so it fits in easy- ok that didn't make sense but think about it and it may come to you. If not, ask someone who isn't a complete retard.

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