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Posts posted by baladi

  1. ive downloaded all of them but....

    a bit of offtopic: can someone recomend me some good codecs to make the HD videos work? i dont wanna search on google... there's ton of crap.

    so, what to use on vista?

  2. .... i wanna be the first... :shifty:

    be right back with a comment....

    i bet this rocks!

    nice jollyfull rider. sooo smooth. makes everything look so easy..

    those taps to "two wheels" look kewl.


  3. Very good indeed , decent picture quality , too . Some tough sections there , all the more since it seemed to have rained . Who's the rider on the white Atomz ?

    the guy with the Atomz is Noni (real name: Baiesiu Alexe Ioan) a local rider, won the competitions that were in his reach in Romania.

  4. Hello,

    our competition at Resita, Romania just took place this weekend and i present you the video.

    the courses include urban landskapes along with man made obstacles.

    it really worths the download. have a look

    link is here, ResitaSession_by_rOly.avi


    comments if you please

  5. Pendulum - Blood and sugar

    It's written at the end of the vid :P

    Anyway, great riding. Your names and surnames all sound alike, is this guy Stefan Laszlo's brother?

    no, they're not brothers.. Hegedus Laszlo is 17 years old and rides for 4 years now

  6. Hello,

    A mate, who also edited the video, sent me the link and i thought to post it here too.

    The riding is huge with moves at 9-10 pallets..

    it's a 11.4MB 2:15min video "Hegedus Laszlo vs Takacs Zoltan.vmw" and here is the TV.isg.si link

    if you missed his previous video you can download it now too "extreme riding..."


    EDIT: actualy there are 2 videos, enjoy

  7. DUUUUUUDE! this topic is up for 6 Hours and allready it has two pages of comments??? are all of you dudes from england really close friends? how do anyone explains it?: a uk rider video >100 comments a day, a really good rider form anywhere else....less than 10 comments in forever? weird...

    unless this is the best movie ever..... downloading now :P

    EDIT: ....nice edit, riding is UK style at it's best.

    btw: that static hook-up that seems to be popular these days in UK was also done by Hermance in colorado 2005 on natural....and with more success....

  8. oh my god that is horrible how much did you pay??

    duuude, you have (in your avatar) a Vario. i was expecting you to be more oppened to new ideeas, + NICOLAI really looks good, compared to vario ;)

    i got it for free from a mate.

    damn lush my friend love nicolai bikes, over built but somehow they still manage to look damn good

    haha im so glad your not working for a bike maufacturer, if everything made was gauged on how it 'looked' we'd be ina lot of trouble! has a nicolai ever broke?!?!

    this one. i'll get it wellded + some gusset

    it looks very strong and powerfull, also i love the welds on this frame. MADE IN GERMANY. no ECHO's lookin like that soon :rolleyes:




  9. Here is my lovely beast, which i fill is now completed with all coponents i wanted.


    czar 06 frame

    echo controle forks


    i am pretty sure that's an Echo Urban 2007 fork.... :P

    anyway, nice looking bike. have fun riding

  10. i have to agree chris the song is awesome, especially the unedited version. Vid was way to short.

    wasnt planing on making a real vid. just found someone that day to take some clips.... and i didnt let them go to waste:P

    btw, i still have some clips shot in the cemetery that i am affraid to publish :-

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