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totally steaming!!

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Posts posted by totally steaming!!

  1. I can't imagine many people know about meditation, I always imagined a monk who's always at peace meditating on a mountain top.

    Anyway, I went to Thailand to live and work for 1 year and did a 10 day meditation retreat during my time there. There are 2 kinds, concentration and insight. The popular western kind is concentration, you focus on your breath for 5 mins a day and eventually you'll be at peace, or thats how it's advertised. But the type I'll be talking about is Vipassana or insight mainly practiced in south east Asia, leading directly to enlightenment (where suffering is eradicated from your mind). The biggest difference between concentration and insight meditation is insight uproots suffering whereas concentration just ignores the suffering.

    When you have mental problems you mightn't know how to deal with them. If you're feeling anxious, rather than deal with it you might just want to sit infront of the television and reach for another bar of chocolate. But if you're ignorant and just accept that then you'll probably get nowhere.

    Insight meditation lets us understand the nature of ourselves. My teacher told me, quite a few times, 'anyone can practice, anywhere, anytime.' He means you can bring awareness to the present moment and begin to understand the causes of problems and suffering.

    When you familiarise yourself with, for example, anger or laziness or whatever the emotion its influence over you becomes less and less. When you fully understand the emotion you'll realise it exists for a fraction of a second and can never be fluttered by it.

    If you're interested in meditation you can check this page out, there are also instructions how to meditate. Although this has nothing to do with religion all the pages about meditation seem to go hand in hand with Buddhism.


    So if you can resist the typical Facebook browse or crash infront of the t.v for 1 hour then give it a try. (thats 30mins walking then 30mins sitting :D )

    thanks for that man! been wanting to try meditation for a while... didnt really know where to look and what not.

    wasnt at the top of my list of things to do, but when i saw this post i thought perfect!

    just been reading through the website you posted. going to give it try!


    "in walking meditation your eyes must be open"

    love the heads up haha

  2. I'd say the flaw is in our education system firstly, compassion is not a school subject, imagine if compassion had been a school subject for the last 200 years there would be many better parents out there and many positive knock on effects that follow it. We understand humans are impressionable and then waste this opportunity by basing a society around hedonistic consumerism.

    Obviously places like Rwanda could have really benefited from this sort of education, their culture is plagued with all sorts of hocus pocus and misinformation, much like everybody was before the age of scientific understanding.

    We have a savage imperialistic history to transition from but people are becoming increasingly empowered with decent information, it's just a matter of time (more than our lifetime probably but that doesn't bother me) before human consciousness grows into a type 1 civilization.

    Saying it's just human nature is naive and just an excuse to do nothing..


    there are always going to be unfortunate people, people that think they deserve better. Most will jump at a chance to blame someone, more importantly "something". e.g, not a person, a 'jew'. for example.

    there is nothing you can do stop emotions getting the better of people.

    so there is always a chance for genocide to take place.

    its a fact of life. there is nothing that will ever change that.

    you may educate one generation right, but you miss one and you back to square one.

    sustaining this on a global level is just impossible.

    the world is also too greedy, its built on greed. it wouldn't be as modern as it is if not, we wouldn't even be here typing now.

    We're all guilty of greed. you, me... everyone that reads this.

    Epic speech below! one of my favorites

  3. i think the easiest way to put it is,

    First you gain respect of the crowd (bring a bit of wealth to the community, preach common truths and promise a better quality of life)

    70% will now believe almost anything you say unless they already have knowledge of the subject.

    25% will be a bit more hesitant, but join the bandwagon because everyone else is doing, "so it must be right".

    4% are still unsure and sit on the fence

    1% totally disagree, and don't want a part of it

    So you order your loyal 70% to kill these publicly

    seeing this happen the 4% have now jumped on the bandwagon in fear of their lives

    lets go kills some people!

    technology may have progressed a shit ton in the past few centuries, but human nature sure hasn't

  4. There's scientific consensus that we are a product of our environment and experiences, which means human behaviour is not set in stone, our brain learns as it grows. Growing up in our society it's easy to see how we can be such assholes.

    99% humans are flawed. they're impressionable, naive, gullible and they love jumping on a bandwagon and feeling part of something.

    it only takes one person with one belief to put that belief forward onto young impressionable less fortunate people, you give them all a common enemy to unite against. 'They' are the cause of all our misfortune! preach that the death of this common enemy will bring wealth and prosperity to the 'good' people and their families.

    Arm your new followers and off you go, genocide city.

    It's happened time and time again since time began, all the way up to today and through all classes of society.

    there is nothing you can do stop this from happening, it's in human nature, you can't change what you are.

    this is why i stick to my conclusion

    humanity is flawed.

  5. I find it funny that the US couldn't be bothered to intervene during the Rwanda genocide.

    but i guess Rwanda's resources just weren't worth it...

    who cares about the 800,000 unarmed men women and children that died.

  6. I think none of us can judge this case since we all have care-free lives compared to what might be going on with these kids and their families in Uganda. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like but I'm pretty sure I'd want Kony dead.

    he hasnt been in uganda for 7 years....

    why are they still funding the ugandan military ?

    i can smell it from here!

  7. Heres a break down from their official audit

    Of the $8.9 million you spent in 2011:

    $1.7 million in US employee salaries

    $357,000 in Film costs

    $850,000 in Production costs

    $244,000 in "professional services" (DC lobbyists)

    $1.07 million in travel expenses

    $400,000 in office rent in San Diego

    $16,000 in Entertainment


    Only $2.8 million (31%) made it to your charity program (which is presumably further whittled down by local Ugandan officials and local management overhead) - what do the children actually get in goods & services?

    this photo really does it for me!


    mmmmmm i can smell the peace!

  8. I dunno, the fact they've apparently talked the us into sending 100 army bodies over and got the support of some big names makes me think it's more than just a clever campaign.

    US Government - Hey jason russell!

    JR - Hey government, what's up!?

    US Government - we need your help!

    JR - Ok, what is the matter!?

    US Government - we're looking to gain a foothold in central africa, preferably somewhere along the equator!

    JR - Right, so what has that got to do with me? I'm just a film maker!

    US Government - Well we need the backing of the American people before we can just send our troops in and claim land! We're hoping that you could take a trip over to Africa and find a sad, tragic story that the American people will sympathise with! This story will lead our propaganda campaign! The aim is get the support from the American people and hopefully world wide too, giving us an unquestionable moral reason to send our troops in!

    JR - Wow, that gives me a lot to think about! Isn't there another way? Maybe there is another reason to send our troops in?

    US Government - Well we did 9/11 last time, which worked perfectly! But we don't think the American people would buy it a second time round, also Africa poses no threat to the United States which makes things even harder!

    JR - true, so what would i get out of this!?

    US Government - $88k per annum, world wide fame, you'll become part of American and world history, all family expensive and travel paid for. The chance to work with all the best equipment and resources and fulfill your passion of film making. This is a once in a lifetime offer.

    JR - Sounds good to me!

    US Government - Ok, so the most resourceful equatorial country is Uganda (famously described by Winston Churchill as the ‘pearl of Africa’), we wish to send you there first.

    JR - Ok, but what happens if the American people find out about all of this?

    US Government - Uganda is not commonly visited by US citizens, so they can only see and believe what our media shows them! Good American soldiers helping the deprived children of Africa.

    JR - Beautiful

    US Government - Godspeed!


    Yea kill Joseph kony, one less child killer can't be a bad thing!

    • Like 2
  9. well i got them for free then some friends said "ooh you got sl's they snap like a twig" ... so i wanted to find out how bad they really are.. if atall, ive still been doing hooks and stuff today, so they havent affected my riding.

    if I had about 10 people get back to me and say they fail at every glimpse of a hook or up-to-front, then i may think a little different.

    i dont ride too hard on my forks anyway so im not concerned.

    i rode with you a few times right? seen my riding maybe?

    i had a set for 6 months with no problems... hooks, gaps to front, ups to front etc i ride a lot of natty too with static hooks and stuff.

    I've snapped at least 5 pairs of urbans, trialtechs and even totally bent some steel forks in the past!

    but surprisingly my sl's lasted!

    either I'm lucky or they aren't as bad as people make out!

    they're disk only ones

    also selling them btw if anyone is interested. pm me if so

  10. i only used one scoop of jack3d at a time and it still made me all shakey and sometimes a little sick with a sort of comedown.

    have a feeling thats mainly due to the high caffein content? not sure though, dont think id get it again!

    i always had a runny shit after it too! haha

  11. ive been using USN or maximuscle shakes recently but theyre so expensive, but i just found this

    anyone seen it before, really cheap... seen some good reviews on different websites but you can never tell if they were just site uploaded.

    Off topic, is that you in your avatar preloading for that hefty looking gap?

    yar, it not as big as it looks

    few years ago now though

  12. Right, enough of this over 3 threads, let's put it to bed shall we? Good:

    When will you get it into your thick, meathead, probably fat and lazy skull that no-one has said your body building/weight training advice is anything but amazing?

    Do you know why no-one has insulted your advice? Hint: It's because you haven't f**king given any.

    Carl (Monkey) called you out on the Chem, and the way you're going about your childish bickering. That's all. He didn't say your advice was shit (see above for why). He also hasn't said his would be any better, which is probably why he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't say he knows more than everyone else about the topic. Maybe he's just in here to learn something off of self proclaimed gurus like yourself?

    I say again: You're the one who's come in here saying your advice is worth listening to - So how's about f**king giving some rather than slagging everyone else's which they haven't given off?

    You've been asked by people for advice, so show how f**king great you are. I don't because even though I have 7 years of personal training experience, 5 years of being an ABA boxing coach, I don't want to say that my way is the only way. Heaven forbid, if you actually said anything of substance we might be able to actually help each other give people good advice.

    Let that be the end of it eh?

    thats how its done!

  13. I love posts like that. They make me feel warm and happy. Just tell me what to do, but leave out all the information. Spot on. (Y)

    I mean, does it matter what kind of body type I am or how long I've been training or what kind of regime I'm aiming for or what I'm eating or anything?

    Drop sets don't work for me. They just don't, never have and probably never will. What does work for me is eating an insane calorie count (3750-4000), medium weight but 4x10 sets and having a two day routine, and doing it mon/tue and again thur/fri. I haven't met anyone else who says that all that worked for them, but it works for me! I've gained a stone a month doing that before.

    If you want to post advice, then great, post advice. Don't you say "you need to do drop sets because Damon Watson and Jay Cutler told me to do them and they worked for me".

    yea your totally, that was just meant as an alternative to 8 8 8....

    yea different things work for different people.

    Alright then, Im tall and slim, im not skinny but not big. I'm wanting to add defined bulk, I dont want arms the size of my head but wouldnt mind shaping up a bit, but then I also want to improve my cardio a fair bit. I can hit the gym 3 maybe 4 times a week. Give me suggestions.

    P.s I genuinely am interested in what you/anyone suggests.

    defined bulk where? just upper body? anything more specific? just for looks, or strength?

    First thing as always, sort your diet out. Then I'd recommend starting easy with regular cardio sessions and some bodyweight excercises. Depends how fit/healthy you are now. If you've spent the last 3 years sitting down your joints will probably end up rather painful if you start chasing maximum bench press weights straight away.

    yea if your joints aren't used to heavy weight, you can easy damage them or irritate the cartilage. i did this to my knees a few years ago... lesson learnt!

    My diet has been, is, and most likely will always be god awful, and I know that wont help in the slightest. (I dont mean I eat crisps all day but its just limited). I am pretty active so exercise doesn't bother me as such. Thing is I dont really have a set regime, thats what I'm after, at the moment I just go and do what takes my fancy on that day, I'm sure I could work it out myself but advice would be nice.

    you are what you eat, if you have a good workout but don't eat the food your body needs then you've pretty much wasted your time and money spent on a gym membership.

    tell us exactly what you want to build up and look like. what do you want to achieve?

  14. My problem isn't your advice, it's your manner. You said that there's a difference between doing something, and reading something, but now you seem to be saying it doesn't matter? That's why I wondered how big you currently are, you were saying that if you haven't done it you don't know, but it seems you haven't done it. But now you've changed your mind. So it's sort of moot. I know you can learn a lot hanging around with people, I know a lot about trials purely from being on here. But you can learn a whole shit load more from a book, so don't just say 90% of the info in this thread is "total bull" when you've made what 2 or 3 posts, none containing advice, and a completely misinformed one in the creatine thread.

    Like I said, give advice freely, we all do it in different threads on here, but don't claim to know more than everyone else, and if someone calls you out on something, you have to deal with it. People will slate your advice, when you wade in with "Don't listen to all these other people, who for all I know could be way more knowledgeable on the situation, listen to me." That's gonna rub people up the wrong way.

    15 stone at 6' isn't exactly 'haven't done it'.... you never told me how big you are? (i hate to have to ask such a gay question, but you asked me)

    have you ever been to a gym?

    have you ever weight trained?

    i don't mind being shot down, not everything i say will be right. but i would at least like to be by someone who has a real interest in the physical side of the subject. not just the chem.

    anyhow, you still have offered no advice.

    how do i build lean muscle? seriously, id like to hear your advice... your bound to know stuff i don't. maybe vise versa. thats the whole point of a forum isn't it?

  15. Mmmm baby, I'm so glad you responded with such hostility.

    Creatine, it builds up in your muscles, in the form of creatine phosphate. That can be quickly turned into ATP. Now I'm sure the more astute of us have already caught up, but I doubt you have. What's ATP used for? That's right! It's energy. So how the f**k exactly, does energy make you stronger? It'll make you stronger in the long run, it'll make you lift more reps, but it won't make you lift more. So unless you think a bag of sugar would make you lift more. Shut the f**k up, and go back to world's strongest man or Mr Universe. Those f**king meat head dullards might be more on your intellectual level.

    energy doesn't make you stronger? yea i lift more when I'm tired...

    1. ATP is the best source of energy for your muscles.

    2. the byproduct of ATP after it is used by your muscles is called ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) which is useless to our bodies. unfortunately our bodies have a limited supply of ATP, so when it runs out, it leaves your muscles with no available energy.

    3. But! Creatine combines with phosphate in your body to create phosphocreatine.

    4. Phosphocreatine converts the ADP back into ATP.

    5. Your muscles have more available energy.

    not only that but this reaction decreases the pH in the cells during exercise therefore buffering the burning sensation known as lactic acid.

    so when you add more weight and think, coooorrrrr i'd never make my second set using that weight! well... with the help of creatine, you will! so you lifted more weight! so your stronger.

    go to a gym and try it, you'll see how it works first hand.

    id listen to mr universe's or the worlds strongest man's advice on weight training before i listen to yours mr arrogant.

  16. Yo son, check out all my other posts, I actually understand the chemistry and biology behind this shit. Read further down for why that bit's in bold.

    So when were you a bodybuilder or bigger than 13 stone? Or are you just reciting shit other people tell you?

    im 15stone now... iv fluctuated between 75k and and 95ish since i was 17. what are you trying to say?

    ive been there watching and learning, ive seen how people have trained to achieve their different goals... the whole process from start to finish.

    even if your not training you can learn a lot from just hanging around a good gym and taking notice of what people are doing.

    everyone is slating my advice but not offering any of their own.... just choose not to listen.

  17. Check out this thread on Injury Advice to see how someone with expertise conducts themselves and gives their advice in the topic, without often needing to resort to being PM-only and/or a dick.

    You may well have all the knowledge, but if you keep acting like a douche then it's hardly going to be respected is it? Plenty of 22 year olds think they know what's what. Some of them do. The ones people listen to prove it instead of saying they don't have to ;) So why not prove it? Show off your knowledge by helping someone out in the topic instead of coming in here and saying we all chat bullshit.

    yea i went off on one a little! reading back over my text makes me cringe a little! haha

  18. and your so hench?

    im exactly the size i wish to be... boxing and surfing are my two main sports so excess mass is completely unwanted. im 6' and weigh 97kg i dont carry excess fat.

    my house mate on the other hand is bodybuilding. 17 stone of lean muscle without the use of juice.

    most of the stuff i know i've learned from the doormen of the clubs i work in as i train with them too. some compete in bodybuilding, some do mma and other martial arts.

    either way, they've been in the weight training game for a long long time, so i accept most of their advice as sound as it sure as hell works!

    not only that but i spent 2 years working in a pretty hardcore gym.

  19. Credentials in your next post please. And yes it is that simple, that isn't the best way to do it, but it can be done that simply.

    Experience does not mean knowledge.

    Just saw your post in the creatine thread. Lolololol. Irony central. Your experience doesn't mean shit, just so you're aware. The fact you're asking people to PM you is retarded, are you worried someone will call you out when you chat some more shit? I'm looking forward to more of your posts. Especially some pics of how massive and perfectly formed you are.

    oh wow look at all the information you've provided, how helpful...

    the reason i said to pm is so that i can give personalised advice as everyones needs are different.

    experience is big factor, there is a huge difference between reciting stuff you've heard or read to giving advice on stuff that you yourself have actually tried and tested and seen the physical results of.

    to be honest i don't have to listen to your crap, its easy to criticise other peoples advice without even offering any of your own....

    you sound like a typical back seat driver to me.

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