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totally steaming!!

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Everything posted by totally steaming!!

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2FyQVCkkCI wtf?
  2. thanks for that man! been wanting to try meditation for a while... didnt really know where to look and what not. wasnt at the top of my list of things to do, but when i saw this post i thought perfect! just been reading through the website you posted. going to give it try! thanks! "in walking meditation your eyes must be open" love the heads up haha
  3. there are always going to be unfortunate people, people that think they deserve better. Most will jump at a chance to blame someone, more importantly "something". e.g, not a person, a 'jew'. for example. there is nothing you can do stop emotions getting the better of people. so there is always a chance for genocide to take place. its a fact of life. there is nothing that will ever change that. you may educate one generation right, but you miss one and you back to square one. sustaining this on a global level is just impossible. the world is also too greedy, its built on greed. it wouldn't be as modern as it is if not, we wouldn't even be here typing now. We're all guilty of greed. you, me... everyone that reads this. Epic speech below! one of my favorites
  4. i think the easiest way to put it is, First you gain respect of the crowd (bring a bit of wealth to the community, preach common truths and promise a better quality of life) 70% will now believe almost anything you say unless they already have knowledge of the subject. 25% will be a bit more hesitant, but join the bandwagon because everyone else is doing, "so it must be right". 4% are still unsure and sit on the fence 1% totally disagree, and don't want a part of it So you order your loyal 70% to kill these publicly seeing this happen the 4% have now jumped on the bandwagon in fear of their lives lets go kills some people! technology may have progressed a shit ton in the past few centuries, but human nature sure hasn't
  5. 99% humans are flawed. they're impressionable, naive, gullible and they love jumping on a bandwagon and feeling part of something. it only takes one person with one belief to put that belief forward onto young impressionable less fortunate people, you give them all a common enemy to unite against. 'They' are the cause of all our misfortune! preach that the death of this common enemy will bring wealth and prosperity to the 'good' people and their families. Arm your new followers and off you go, genocide city. It's happened time and time again since time began, all the way up to today and through all classes of society. there is nothing you can do stop this from happening, it's in human nature, you can't change what you are. this is why i stick to my conclusion humanity is flawed.
  6. humans are human. always have been, always will be. get over it
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSMZdVZ2BZo So the Ugandan Military couldnt find him for 20 years... but a british reporter found him in one. LOL! always two sides to a story!
  8. I find it funny that the US couldn't be bothered to intervene during the Rwanda genocide. but i guess Rwanda's resources just weren't worth it... who cares about the 800,000 unarmed men women and children that died.
  9. he hasnt been in uganda for 7 years.... why are they still funding the ugandan military ? i can smell it from here!
  10. http://seet.weebly.com/1/post/2012/03/concerning-kony-2012.html
  11. Heres a break down from their official audit Of the $8.9 million you spent in 2011: $1.7 million in US employee salaries $357,000 in Film costs $850,000 in Production costs $244,000 in "professional services" (DC lobbyists) $1.07 million in travel expenses $400,000 in office rent in San Diego $16,000 in Entertainment etc... Only $2.8 million (31%) made it to your charity program (which is presumably further whittled down by local Ugandan officials and local management overhead) - what do the children actually get in goods & services? this photo really does it for me! mmmmmm i can smell the peace!
  12. US Government - Hey jason russell! JR - Hey government, what's up!? US Government - we need your help! JR - Ok, what is the matter!? US Government - we're looking to gain a foothold in central africa, preferably somewhere along the equator! JR - Right, so what has that got to do with me? I'm just a film maker! US Government - Well we need the backing of the American people before we can just send our troops in and claim land! We're hoping that you could take a trip over to Africa and find a sad, tragic story that the American people will sympathise with! This story will lead our propaganda campaign! The aim is get the support from the American people and hopefully world wide too, giving us an unquestionable moral reason to send our troops in! JR - Wow, that gives me a lot to think about! Isn't there another way? Maybe there is another reason to send our troops in? US Government - Well we did 9/11 last time, which worked perfectly! But we don't think the American people would buy it a second time round, also Africa poses no threat to the United States which makes things even harder! JR - true, so what would i get out of this!? US Government - $88k per annum, world wide fame, you'll become part of American and world history, all family expensive and travel paid for. The chance to work with all the best equipment and resources and fulfill your passion of film making. This is a once in a lifetime offer. JR - Sounds good to me! US Government - Ok, so the most resourceful equatorial country is Uganda (famously described by Winston Churchill as the ‘pearl of Africa’), we wish to send you there first. JR - Ok, but what happens if the American people find out about all of this? US Government - Uganda is not commonly visited by US citizens, so they can only see and believe what our media shows them! Good American soldiers helping the deprived children of Africa. JR - Beautiful US Government - Godspeed! -------------------------------- Yea kill Joseph kony, one less child killer can't be a bad thing!
  13. i rode with you a few times right? seen my riding maybe? i had a set for 6 months with no problems... hooks, gaps to front, ups to front etc i ride a lot of natty too with static hooks and stuff. I've snapped at least 5 pairs of urbans, trialtechs and even totally bent some steel forks in the past! but surprisingly my sl's lasted! either I'm lucky or they aren't as bad as people make out! they're disk only ones also selling them btw if anyone is interested. pm me if so
  14. well that matrix anabolic stuff just arrived. 5kg supplying 100 servings of total foulness! blurrrgggghhhhhh tastes like animal feed!
  15. i only used one scoop of jack3d at a time and it still made me all shakey and sometimes a little sick with a sort of comedown. have a feeling thats mainly due to the high caffein content? not sure though, dont think id get it again! i always had a runny shit after it too! haha
  16. ive been using USN or maximuscle shakes recently but theyre so expensive, but i just found this anyone seen it before, really cheap... seen some good reviews on different websites but you can never tell if they were just site uploaded. yar, it not as big as it looks few years ago now though
  17. yea your totally, that was just meant as an alternative to 8 8 8.... yea different things work for different people. defined bulk where? just upper body? anything more specific? just for looks, or strength? yea if your joints aren't used to heavy weight, you can easy damage them or irritate the cartilage. i did this to my knees a few years ago... lesson learnt! you are what you eat, if you have a good workout but don't eat the food your body needs then you've pretty much wasted your time and money spent on a gym membership. tell us exactly what you want to build up and look like. what do you want to achieve?
  18. 15 stone at 6' isn't exactly 'haven't done it'.... you never told me how big you are? (i hate to have to ask such a gay question, but you asked me) have you ever been to a gym? have you ever weight trained? i don't mind being shot down, not everything i say will be right. but i would at least like to be by someone who has a real interest in the physical side of the subject. not just the chem. anyhow, you still have offered no advice. how do i build lean muscle? seriously, id like to hear your advice... your bound to know stuff i don't. maybe vise versa. thats the whole point of a forum isn't it?
  19. energy doesn't make you stronger? yea i lift more when I'm tired... 1. ATP is the best source of energy for your muscles. 2. the byproduct of ATP after it is used by your muscles is called ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) which is useless to our bodies. unfortunately our bodies have a limited supply of ATP, so when it runs out, it leaves your muscles with no available energy. 3. But! Creatine combines with phosphate in your body to create phosphocreatine. 4. Phosphocreatine converts the ADP back into ATP. 5. Your muscles have more available energy. not only that but this reaction decreases the pH in the cells during exercise therefore buffering the burning sensation known as lactic acid. so when you add more weight and think, coooorrrrr i'd never make my second set using that weight! well... with the help of creatine, you will! so you lifted more weight! so your stronger. go to a gym and try it, you'll see how it works first hand. id listen to mr universe's or the worlds strongest man's advice on weight training before i listen to yours mr arrogant.
  20. im 15stone now... iv fluctuated between 75k and and 95ish since i was 17. what are you trying to say? ive been there watching and learning, ive seen how people have trained to achieve their different goals... the whole process from start to finish. even if your not training you can learn a lot from just hanging around a good gym and taking notice of what people are doing. everyone is slating my advice but not offering any of their own.... just choose not to listen.
  21. yea i went off on one a little! reading back over my text makes me cringe a little! haha
  22. oh it doesnt make you stronger? where did you learn that? O.o the worlds wrong, your right! silly me yet again, thanks for the sound advice! yoda
  23. im exactly the size i wish to be... boxing and surfing are my two main sports so excess mass is completely unwanted. im 6' and weigh 97kg i dont carry excess fat. my house mate on the other hand is bodybuilding. 17 stone of lean muscle without the use of juice. most of the stuff i know i've learned from the doormen of the clubs i work in as i train with them too. some compete in bodybuilding, some do mma and other martial arts. either way, they've been in the weight training game for a long long time, so i accept most of their advice as sound as it sure as hell works! not only that but i spent 2 years working in a pretty hardcore gym.
  24. oh wow look at all the information you've provided, how helpful... the reason i said to pm is so that i can give personalised advice as everyones needs are different. experience is big factor, there is a huge difference between reciting stuff you've heard or read to giving advice on stuff that you yourself have actually tried and tested and seen the physical results of. to be honest i don't have to listen to your crap, its easy to criticise other peoples advice without even offering any of your own.... you sound like a typical back seat driver to me.
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