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Everything posted by danfox23

  1. Sorry trials boy i thought you was the thread starter so im very sorry about mixing you two up
  2. Do try-all parts fit and bike and any size like stems, and forks. Also when putting the headset, forks together is a dreadlcok needed to fit them toghether
  3. i know i was talking about the thread starter
  4. People are not going to be nice to you if you reply like that. You should try typing english instead of text
  5. Ok thanks.in putting a headset, forks and stem together is a dreadlock needed? And poopipe are you sure your toolbox is used for *Building* trials bikes because you have 2 bigs spanners, 2 stanley knives, a big hammer and bog roll
  6. To build a trials bike are there any hi-tec very expesive tools needed or can you use some basic motobike tools like wrenches. i llok at the tools on tartybikes but some of them looked like very expensive version of the tools you could get at halfords. Is there any tool that is needed that is only used on trials bikes?
  7. I am actually finding it hard to find sites in america that sell onzas in the florida region. can you give a link for OTN please. What i was just going to do was buy the main onza parts like the t-pro frame, forks and onza armstrong chain set. and then if i did move i can buy cheaper non-onza parts out there
  8. Thats the thing i dont have 420 i dont even have 10 pounds. if i sell my bike i will only get 130 so its not enough. i cant post the stuff i want to sell o here yet. and if i did buy the full bike i would only have it for like a month because we might be moving to america so i was just going to buy the t-pro frame, forks and onza armstrong cranks so then its easier to ship it out
  9. will these cranks fit a t-pro http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_details.asp?ProductID=674 or will it be better to buy this version of the onza armstrongs http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_details.asp?ProductID=346 This is for people that need freewheels like J-kay http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_results....leSearch=Search and some one give me a link for the best hydrolic v-brakes for a t-pro please. one more question does try-all parts fit any trials bike?
  10. hi guys when i added it all up i found that it only came 1.30 cheaper than buying the full bike. can any one post if they have t-pro spares for cheapish please
  11. ok thanks does any one have t-pro forks and t-pro wheelsets for sale?
  12. ok thanks. that will help me in a way Would any one like to buy a nintedo DS with games, a Xbox+controllers and games or a Tamiya baja king remote control car to help me get more money to buy a trials bike
  13. You should not use any valve maps (counter-strike, half-life 2:deathmatch and so-on) if you did and they found out you are they would sue your arse off. If you asked for permission to use them they would not let you but it is worth a try so if you do want to use there maps ask them first. If you having trouble getting people to help you then make a website for the game. put some info, some screenshot, how much you have done and some basic background on what its all about. And then make a section for jobs bit saying that you need some coders, mappers and other jobs that are needed. once you dont that see ig you can get it advertised on other sites, try to get it on the big sites like google or alta vista and from there on you might get help from that site and it willmake you game making life easier
  14. both probaly because the t-pro frame and brakes a brand new off ebay and i probaly would be looking for second hand parts to get it built cheaper. Does any one have the lenght of the t-pro frames in inches. i would like the measurment just of the framesplease no forks
  15. thanks for the link i was thinking of buying that one. some one that was helping me on MBuk named rideside posted on that thread for me
  16. are you selling your mod if so how much is it and what make?
  17. ok cheers would it be posiible to build a t-pro than a redy built one for 420 quid?
  18. pretty much most of the things in the drive section like the front and rear deraillures and is it possible to build a t-pro cheaper that is is to buy full for around 420 like this one http://www.airevalleycycles.com/products.php?plid=m1b0s3p259
  19. ok thanks for that but on the super cycles site it has loads of trials stuff which i dont know if you need heres the link http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_products_index.asp
  20. ok thanks because i have found the t-pro for the price i said and i have found some Magura HS33 Red&White Hydraulic Brake Set Armored Cable for 107 pounds incl p+p. can some one list all the parts that i would need please
  21. hi i like it. is it a mod or stock and how much did you pay for it?
  22. well i want get a mod bike i found a brand new onza t-pro frame for 90 pounds incl p+p. thats of the super cycles ebay store. what is better a t-comp or a t-pro. i dont know what specs im looking for i just what a cheapish build really Edit: sorry for the miss-spell i have just corrected it
  23. Hi guys Will it be cheap to buy parts and build or will it be cheaper to buy a full 20" bike
  24. ok thanks i wont be strapped for cash mcuh when i sell my jump bike for 110 pounds
  25. Hi im new to the forum and already found a bike on here i want im just straped for cash at the moment
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