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Fixed Pants™

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Posts posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I think cable tieing my 4 bolt mount together, then cable tieing it down to the frame at the start of a london ride, then keeping it on for a good few weeks was my best, basically stripped the mount as i got to the meeting point IIRC...

    Adrian from norwich had cracked forks, so he jubilee clipped a snapped tensile crank to the back of it, and 2 metal tyre levers to the front of it. That, was cool.

  2. This is a piss take, i haven't ridden in so long my chain's gone rusty :(



    SS has seen some use fairly recently though!

    Need to build up a play hardtail soon, tempted by the lex Diamondback because i know the guy who's sig bike it is, and have ridden his and it's nice...

  3. You up for a week long thrashing on foreign shores???

    It'd be rather cheap, (lift passes are like €20 for the day €40 for the week, dependant on wether ud move round or not) then for everything else campings like €20-30 for a big tent for a night, ferrys £45-50, and itd be like £160 fuel, split 4 ways thatd be like under a ton each + lift passes.

    Only issue is Glen, I dont particularly want to speak to you, let alone spend a week on holiday with you. Not to mention how tedious it'd be for everyone else waiting for you at the bottom of every run.

    Built up to shoot down! Sick burn...

    I'm sure we could pretend to like eachother for a week...

    Does sound like an idea and a half though! I can get any time off any time next year... Especially after april.

  4. Looks fun! Nick, up for a trip some time next year? I'm sure my matey from my shop will want to come, and we ride with about 4 other people... It just looks so awesome cos it's not, walk up hill for 10 mins, fly down it in 1 min, it's relax on lift then hoon down for 8 mins...

    Winterberg would be awesome.

    oh my god TF DH HOLIDAY!

  5. Ok so i got my ear done, few days later put a 2.5mm stretcher in it but not very far in, gradually put it in over days and now it's at the end of it's 2.5mm, given that it's almost been there since the start, am i right in saying it would have healed around that size and that it's now pretty much healed, as it was like 3 and a bit weeks ago... It doesn't hurt to tug it about any more and it seems fine. Would i be ok to maybe put a 4mm stretcher in there gradually now?

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