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Posts posted by STC

  1. well my bearings have always been pefect on every bike, but over night i ahve aqiured a HUGE amount of play in the front my frotn swings around and is extremly annoying to ride.. so i was wondering what could it be i have took it aprt bearingsd are perfectly fine.. im thinking of taking to the bike shop get it sorted..

    New hub, new bearings :lol: ?

  2. Soooo many people can get into flat blocks mate, easy to say now but should have taken it indoors.

    Quite a few of the main doors will have magnetic locks (easy to force open) or a route of access other than the main door. Also one of the neighbours could have had guests that have taken it, or someone could have let someone in... when you go out the main door, and someone is waiting to come in, do you slam the door in their face as they should have their own keycard, or do you just hold the door for them... definately not a secure place to leave an expensive bike!

    Either way, report it to the police. Someone may get pissed off with it having a piddly little gear to ride in and dump it after five minutes.

    Hope it turns up mate


    yeah they are easy to open.. like.... there is some near me.. all i do is kick the door and it opens up lol..

  3. wasnt a trials bike and im led to belive its 3 warnings

    Right well ill being having a word with PCSO Andy Mcfarlene then

    1 warning for us... becuase we are allways out riding

    Had loads of warning.. we got kiked off a places by police just for standing there when it was raining and we was taking cover :lol:

  4. Well the local community support officer stoped me a couple of times whislt riding my bike. Not having lights,not looking where i was going etc etc.Anyways got a letter through the post saying that one more offence then id be disqulified from driving.But i aint ven 17 yet??

    1. trials bikes ( look gay with lights)

    2. bells are not made for trials bikes

    and police now say..

    1. warning

    2. stright fine... no bell or light £80 fine on the spot

  5. I agree with 'STC'. If we ask for a trials park to be built then it will end up turning into a skatepark, and may get vandalised. Where as the street is much better in choice and much more fun.


    Yes. (Y)

    Edit: When we had a skate park trials riders was not alloud on the stuff because they say will will smsh it all up.. so the park got closed in the end and chavs smashed it up 2 hide drugs in and get pissed on...

  6. they always come up, try and make a convo, i dont wanna talk to them, they dont wanna talk to me, why bother, im not the kinda person to smash stuff up and piss off normal people. im not some insolent thug, their advice is always to go to the skatepark, i tell them we cant, then they never really understand, suggest we write to the counsil for a trials park, which will never get built, and even if it was i would prefer street still i imagine. there is no real need to move us on unless we are being genuinely dangerous or destroying things

    EDIT: would like to say that REAL police seem alot sounder IMO

    If you ask for a trials park it will end up with halfpipes and that, thats what happend with us we asked for a trials park we got 3 rails half pipe spine jump box :lol: ( that is not trials)

  7. Exactly see you've found a spot where you're not going to be considered a nuisance and like you said earlier, the owners allow you to ride as long as you tidy up after yourselves.

    I'm not trying to cause any arguments but I'm just saying being a rider myself I know how annoying it can be but also being in the Service it'd be handy if you could step back and think how much hassle it's causing us when on duty and understand the reasoning behind why we're moving you on...


    well i'l have 2 say... :D(Y)

  8. How stereotypical....

    I suppose all 'Emos' want the world to end ? :closedeyes:


    Well everyones entitled to their opinion but maybe next time when you're being asked to move on remember that you could have actually got fined and maybe an anti-social behaviour order brought against you as you're causing a nuisance, but the officers have given you the chance to move on and save you and them the hassle of paperwork and taking them away from their patrols. If you have any information that you may think is useful as well like "there is a group of youths (chavs as you put it) who are drinking in the park at 8pm, why don't you go catch them?" then that officer will more than likely make a note of it and include the area in his patrols to prevent it from happening again. It's a "you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours" scenario...

    Ha ha.. well

    We only get moved on if we ride the town....

    But at night time when all the cops are out and everybody is out drinking they dont bother us up town when we ride at night and everyone els is out drinking.. it's only the day time thay hate us....

    But i ride in the industral place where no cops come anyway there rocks, pallets, rails, walls and that so i could live with that

  9. If we let you "do what you like" then whats to stop a "chav" sitting outside your house drinking and causing a noise and mess... It can't be one law for you and then it not apply to anyone else...

    Alot of the general public will see Trials riders as a nuisance and no better than the kids who stand around on street corners drinking alcohol and getting rowdy...

    CHAVS are stupid and pisseds! END OF.

    Chavs never get done round my area it's only the trials riders FFs :angry:

  10. what about the CHAVS they don't get done for anything

    BUT Us lot get told to move on and on.... and get told off from riding up walls.... hmm..

    They say there are skate parks, but they are for bladers, bmx riders, skateboarding ect... there is no TRIALS stuff :lol:

    Why don't they just let use do what we like to do instead of being gay and having a go at us :-

    aah well, I just climb over fence's and that and ride pallets until I get kicked off but most places let us ride there only if we put the pallets back, If we do not put them back they wont let us ride there for like a week or so :(



  11. A man walks into a bar looking quite sad and orders 10 pints, the barman asks "what's up?"

    "i just found out my son is gay " the man replied

    The next day the man walks in again and ordered another 10 so the barman again asks "what's the matter?"

    "my other son is gay" the man said

    The day after that the man walks in and orders a final 10 pints the barman then said to the man" For gods sake doesn't any of your family like pussy"

    "Yes" the man replied ".. My wife".


  12. Kylie Minougue, Robbie Williams and Elton John were walking along a bridge when Kylie slipped and got her head stuck in the railings.....

    Quick as a flash, Robbie whipped her thong to one side and shagged her. When he was finished he said to Elton "your turn".

    Elton started crying and said "but my head won't fit in the railings".




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