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Adamant A1 rider

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Posts posted by Adamant A1 rider

  1. I had a Saracen 2.six for a year with standard cranks and bb and there was no problem with the chain rubbing on the frame. But one of the first problems I had with my Saracen was when I pedalled hard the frame flexed making the brake touch the rim. I sorted this by bodging an echo 4 bolt booster on the brake, also my Saracen cracked on the right hand side right by the bb so keep your eye out for that.

  2. When the new style Maguras came out I still had a pair of old style ones and I thought that the new ones were shit and they always broke because of the funny angle the hose came out. But when I got my new bike I decided to get and pair of the new style ones and they are so much better than the old ones.

    Hope this has helped, dan.

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