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Everything posted by mad-rider1

  1. anyone up for a bristol ride on satarday 3rd january. meeting at castle park at 11.00 am should be good weather.
  2. i didnt really wear a helmet much only on big stuff that all changed when i went over my bars off 8 pallets and landed on my head. then spent 12 hours in hospital. i wear it more than before now
  3. is anyone up for a ride in bristol on the friday 29th of december at 12:00 at castle park
  4. i get people watching but that is usually followed by security chasing us mad rider
  5. if your intentions are on upgrading then i would get disk and magura forks. so when/if you get disk you want have to fork out any more money
  6. 8 ft fell of the first 2 times mad rider
  7. come along us ytr boys will show you around and hang with us if you want add my bro farmboy to msn (scottbike@hotmail.co.uk) and we will give you are nums mad rider
  8. does any one no when the vid will be done
  9. if you are going 26" go with a saracen mad 2.six but if youre going witha 20" get a koxx djinn
  10. does any one have any idea when the video from the portcawl,bristol,reading,swansea,manc demo road tripwill be done
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