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Posts posted by Grizzly

  1. Im pretty new to trials so so far i havent really endangered myself in any ways, but im starting to get more into drop offs an stuff like that so imgoing to start needing a helmet i think.

    Do you guys think its worth it yet? and if so any suggestions for which ones?

    Cheers :)

  2. To be honest i think it will just take time for the pads, They are good brakes, definitely worth it, what i did after i cleaned my Alex rims i rode for a while with the brakes slightly on so the rubbed while i was riding. Dunno if itll help.

    Dont really know about pedal kicking :-

    and as for grips, fatter ones will give you more grip, but thinner ones wont make your hands as sore :D

    I personally think trying some inbetween are quite good :turned:

  3. I went on Heatsink Bikes and saw some 24UK bikes. But i havent actually seen them anywhere else, they look pretty smart but what are all your opinions on them, do you think there worth their money? :ermm::blink::D

  4. To be honest you could do everything to him apart from kill him. Personally i like the idea of tying him to a tree with rope, and remind him of all the things hes done to you whilst kicking him in the B*llox constantly "teehee" :o:lol::-

  5. Hi, my mate told me that there are adaptors that you can get for my frame to put magura hydraulic brakes on it but i couldnt find any, do any of you guys know of one of these adaptors, and if so can i have a link please, Thanks :)

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