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Posts posted by bowman12

  1. mate, no ofeence, but why ask anyone on here what to do to YOUR bike?

    its yours dude, do what the hell you want to it! i'm a sad b*****d and i got my frame colour matched to my civic! so it;ll look awesome on the bike rack!

    make it your own!

  2. Continue to waste your time.. all of you, i have known him for ages now and he's said he's thinking about it since i met him. He loves stock too much so don't try and convince him it'll never work, trust me I've tried.


    Remember me? "Mr I would never get a little bike" haha. now the Giant is in the shed waiting to be sold and i'm shopping for a Mod.

    Things change mate!!

  3. Are you taking all the stuff off your Gimp and putting on a ZIP? If you are then I would think about getting a second hand full bike.

    Also, go and ride RR trials bikes. They are lush. I rode Rorys a while back and really liked it. The only downer is the Fall Guy forks but the rest of the bike makes up for those tank like forks. ;)

  4. When it comes to gaps, everyone seems to think that they can measure with their eyes on here. When you only really know how big the gap was.

    Sweet little vid there. Keep practicing and get it smoother, then it will be perfect.

    Adding on to what Alex said, try the gap from 2 pallets, but also try getting up onto the back wheel instead of bash. Basically, do the the same as you have been doing but with less pallets. Keep stacking up the pallets one by one and try getting onto them without using the bash. Try and go straight to back wheel. This will help with the smoothness and will make it look mint. It will also help your back wheeling skills and may even help you learn to tap!

    I hope you understand that. I know what i mean. I'm not too good at explaining without a visual demonstration. Sorry if you don't


  5. i like da pitbull m8

    Does that help him in anyway? Didn't think so

    Going by your name, i'm guessing you ride a mod. This has been said a lot in this post but unless you have ridden the bike you want, don't get it. I have ridden a Python and they are lush bikes, I haven't ridden the Pitbull but I have been told that the Geo is similar to that of the Holroyd by 24Seven. I have ridden that bike and I get on with that one too. Luckily for me I can pick up a stock or a mod and be able to ride them to pretty much the same standard.

    I would recommend you go and find the someone who owns these bikes and have a ride before you make up your mind.


  6. just reading the comment would i be better of getting a pitbull

    is it cheaper, stronger? :unsure:

    The ZOO! Pitbull is most probably stronger but if you look at the price on the link, it is most definatly not cheaper. The Holroyd frame on Ebay is only £250 with BB, cranks, bars and stem. You may already have all this but you can sell the bits you don't want to get some money back (Y) Cool!!!

  7. I seem to remember the geo on these is quite nice, so i would say go for it. I believe it has 135 normal stock spaceing aswell even though it uses horizontal dropouts.

    116mm spacing. They are a lush bike to ride. I rode one a few months ago when I was looking for a new stock to replace the Giant. Anyways, get one, they are well worth the £250 that they are advertised for.

    If you are currently riding a bike with 135mm rear spacing, you will need to buy a new rear hub. Maybe a profile or a King BMX hub. Alternetavly you could get a fixed hub and run a front freewheel. Then the shopping list grows a bit. You'd probably need new cranks, fixed hub and a front freewheel. The good thing about a front freewheel setup is that it's easier to replace the freewheel if it breaks. without having to buy another new hub and get it built up.

    Up to you really mate.

    Hope this helps


  8. Bumping a very old topic here.

    Who in the NMC froum will be going to NASS this year?

    I'll be there, look out for a long haired kid pushing a T-Pro with lots of Deng stuff on and wearing a fox racing shirt!! That would be me.

    Would be cool to meet some people from on here.


  9. Nice riding there buddy. And even nicer bike. As has been said, it will be awesome to see your improvements. It took me a while to get everything sorted on my Giant, but when I nailed, i was so happy. You look as if you are getting on well with that beast of a bike! They are the best old school frames around in MY opinion. Seems as Mr Hawyes designed them!.

    Anyway dude keep up the good work. Will look forward to seeing more videos from you in the near future.

    EDIT - :helmet: in the next vids though (Y)

  10. The OLD T-Bird was ok, the one that came with the maggies. but the newer T-Bird is BAD. I've ridden the Da Bomb and the old T-bird and I prefered the Onza.

    yeah, any frame with vee mounts would be a big off put for me, because you would have to run evo mounts to have Maggie's, to much hassle.

    Those things annoy me so much. They are horrible to set up and they move really easily.

    If I were you mate, I'd either find an old T-bird or the Da Bomb. STAY AWAY FROM THE SARACEN

  11. Yep, tar is the worst thing when wet, almost now braking at all..

    Recently did a medium grind, and run the Coust Cnc Pads and i must say, them with a grind were better than any Koxx on a grind..

    I rode this guys bike last monday, those pads on a grind are immense.

    I've used Koxx browns with a bit of Monty brake on a smooth rim and that works well!!

  12. I have a pair of rocks on a smooth rim but told there better with a grind. Also the koxx browns are good so I here.

    You told me you were running GREEN rocks which are made for smooth rims. Of course they will be better on a grind, but they will last about a day of hard riding.

  13. I've switched from a YZ-F 250 to a KX 125 because i like lighter bikes. I personally find the 2 stroke easier to ride as it's lighter and the YZ-F was a T**T to start.

    As "The trials commentator" said, it depend on your age if you want to race. But you can't go wrong with a 125 (Y)

  14. Nice.

    come ride plymouth in the week geez

    What day? I finish college early on thursday if you want to ride then?

    Nice pictures, where was you gapping to the other ledge?

    Yeah I was gapping to the other wall, it's a beast of a gap. I very nearly made it.

    Oh and the reason the tyres are flat. I do like a bouncy rear end and also its got a slow puncture that I haven't got round to fixing!!!

    It only goes down when i'm not riding so I keep a pump in my car!!!

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