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Posts posted by Extreme_biker0

  1. Get a car with an 'i' or an 's' anywhere in the model and you're bound to get astronomical quotes. The way to get a good car for starting off in is get one that they wouldn't expect - like a nice family car. I'm 19 and I have a Volvo 440 1.8i - it's pretty powerful as first cars go, but it's not sporty looking; a good comfortable family car. My grandparents have one. So my insurance is 1300 in my name, third party fire & theft.

    What you save on insurance i'll save on petrol (Y)

  2. Impossible, you have to get to about 2/3rds of the speed of light before relativistic effects take effect.

    True to your name... He's not talking about the mass changing but the weight, that being the force exerted on the ground. A technicality but altogether different, as the extra weight is caused by the cars spoilers and shape using the air to generate downward force.

    When stood 'still' on the equator you are actually travelling at 1,043 miles per hour around the earth as it spins.

  3. Mine are not on 24/7 by any means, but they are both pretty good spec machines.

    If you look at the team stats, even with UrbanPoet not contributing a single work unit since May, it has taken me all this time to come close to catching up! What system(s) does he have?

  4. ^bump^ (Now that i'm near the top of the board cos everyone has quit!) (Y) :D :P

    Think you have a good pc? Then prove it and install this!

    On a small side note, as well as giving you bragging rights it might help find a cure for cancer but meh, not the main reason! :turned: :P

  5. Haha, I put a metal pan lid in the microwave (covering some peas) for 5 minutes on full power and nothing happened to the microwave

    Because of the photoelectric effect the microwave just creates 'eddy currents' in metal objects, which are like the electric version of water sloshing about in a container. Sometimes the voltage can be so high they spark, and the sparks can royally mess up your microwave.

    My fave at the moment is cheesy spaghetti! Recipe:

    Heinze spaghetti tin x 1

    Cheese loads of

    Heat them up in the microwave mix them together so theyre nice and stringy. Mmmm. And only 12 googoplex kcal's per serving.

  6. Why not get a debit card and only buy what you have the money in your account for in the first place?

    Why spend someone elses money first then pay them at the end of the month? Spend yours straight off. Why not?

  7. Maybe she thought you were joe :D

    I think maybe they were talking about Joe on here cos his second name is the same! (Y) :P :P (N)

  8. If i made a computer that ran on real words it would be fast as f**k then wouldn't it because it wouldn't keep having to go to that website to change it back to normal words. What's the reason for this?

  9. My friend's a scientist, works with oils from trains, ships n stuff. Says its quite good and it sounds pretty interesting. He's not getting paid a lot, he said around £10k but he is getting trained on the job towards certain qualifications. He didn't go to university, and that is by no means a requirement for the career path, just depends at what level you want to enter. Although I have another friend I just remembered who's a graduate in biology and now works testing soil sampleis is earning 14k from being a newly qualified graduate.

    I was into science and maths at school, got straight A's at A levels in maths physics and chemistry but decided not to go to university. It is not the great path to wealth and a career it once was, although a lot of doors ARE opened by a decent degree like physics.

  10. thats an amazing video. in the morning i wanna watch it in reverse, bet he looks a right pillock doing it the proper way around, but will be interesting to see how he makes it look like he is catching a rock when he is atually throwing it etc!

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