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Posts posted by TTownJon

  1. Another vote for trialtech foam grips. Very much enjoy being able to ride without gloves. My installation technique:

    1. Spray a thin layer of 3M Super77 adhesive onto the bar where the grip will sit. Let it dry for about 5 minutes, so it is dry but still tacky.

    2. Pour some rubbing alcohol down the inside of the grips, and put them on the bar - they should just slide on.

    3. Let it sit for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.

    4. Put some tape on the ends of the grips (both sides) to keep moisture out.

    To remove. just peal the ends of the grip up with a screwdriver and pour some rubbing alcohol in.

    I also have some ODI lockon clamps just inside the grip to prevent it from slowly sliding in over time. Haven't found this to be a problem, but figured better safe than sorry.

  2. Hey all, Haven't posted here before, but I post quite a bit on OTN (Under the same name). I'm an american - studying in spain this fall.

    I'm gonna be hanging out in london for a couple of days next week (October 4th - 8th). Won't have a bike, but would be down to cruise on a beater and film (I will have my video camera) or hit the local bars or whatever.

    Anyone want to ride/drink with a expatriated Yank?

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