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Posts posted by trialsriderjim

  1. I have been kicked out off two schools.And have not been school since i was 13 im neally 16 now .does any one know wat i can do i have nothing from school at all like gcses and stuff .could i just go and get a job or any info wood help

    cheers jimmy

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  3. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than kill someone because Blair doesn't like their country.

    Bollocks to that.

    IF he wants a war he can go and fight the opposing country himself, not massacre innocent people.

    im with madmanmike f**k blair

  4. i went to the hospital today for them to check up after i got run over.Last friday i was run over and the docs said i had broken 2 bones in arm and my elbow went for a check up to day and i seen a the head of the broke bones bit and he said theres is no breaks in arm or elbow i was over the moon .

    has any this happend to any one other then me ?

    cheers jimmy i can now ride again in a week :)

  5. Have you all forgotten about what happened to DJ last year? It was idiots who thought they were ok to do 70mph in a 40mph zone that killed him!...he isnt with us anymore because of the wrecklessness of others. They too thought they knew the road well enough, but so did DJ. You can't honestly say that it was ok for the @*$*@~#@ to do that to him?

    I will admit that in the past i have driven above the speed limit on motorways, but i would never drive above the speed limit in a built up area. One day it could be a family member of yours that is killed, how will you feel then? (I really hope it never happens to you because it wrecks lives) everyone who loved the person that is killed has a responsiblity to ensure it doesn't ever happen to anyone else - so be a grown up and start to change the way that others drive, drive carefully yourself and others might follow in your footsteps.

    Sorry if i offended anyone by this reply but i feel it needs to be said.

    So to all of YOU out there, learners or experienced drivers - BE SAFE BEHIND A WHEEL AND SAVE A LIFE!!!

    love Sue

    xxxxx (Y)  :-  :)  :)  :D  :deej:  :deej:  :deej:  :deej:  (Y)

    i was in a run and run on friday was not nice at all

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